Is it true millions of people are starving and upper class Americans are using food sources to power cars?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by dsgc05™: Is it true millions of people are starving and upper class Americans are using food sources to power cars?

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5 Responses to Is it true millions of people are starving and upper class Americans are using food sources to power cars?

  1. Yes, this was one of the ideas Liberals came up with to solve the energy crisis. They voted against all the practical ideas like drilling for more oil and building refineries and instead decided to punish the poor people of the world.

    I don’t think the use of bio fuels is limited to upper class Americans or even to Americans. It was just a dumb idea that liberals came up with.

    Just Me
    May 20, 2013 at 4:59 am

  2. yes.
    we have food prices so high, lots of people can’t but food.
    But the spotted 2 toes wren has a safe habitat

    Mary Jo W
    May 20, 2013 at 5:48 am

  3. The potential for food shortages is possible due to the need for alternative fuel sources like ethanol. Sources take corn and other farm products to make alternative fuel sources. Pres. Bush recently authorize grain disbursements to some third world countries to offset the rising cost of grains , a staple in many poorer nations. Take into account that more countries, like China & India, increase their middle class, their demand for the things we have taken for granted in the USA are the things they want. ie. cars & beef. More demands for beef means more cows that need to be fed which raises the cost of grain which means less available for human consumption. We don’t want the oil companies to go broke. (crazy planet we got here)

    May 20, 2013 at 5:56 am

  4. WHAT? No it’s not true. where did you get that bunch of BS from? 99% of all cars on the streets only run on gas and gas is not a food. the other 1% uses diesel or propane and I’d like to see you eat either of those and cooking oil isn’t really eatable. Your info is faulty.

    General H
    May 20, 2013 at 6:44 am

  5. Biofuels from energy crops are bad news, as our Energy Review makes clear (
    To sum up: there isn’t enough land to grow energy crops and food crops.
    The pressure on land will accelerate deforestation, and cause huge increases in carbon emissions, so biofuels won’t be carbon neutral as claimed.
    Bioenergy crops will destroy biodiversity, and accelerate global warming and species extinction.
    Above all, they will threaten the food security of the poorest nations, and raise food prices for all countries as food and energy compete for the same ‘feedstock’.
    Bioenergy crops are also unsustainable, as they deplete soil minerals and reduce soil fertility especially in the long term. They generally give small to negative energy returns when you do the life-cycle analysis properly.
    The processing wastes have substantial negative impacts on the environment.
    And although biodiesel is cleaner than diesel, ethanol is not; it generates mutagens and carcinogens and increases ozone levels in the atmosphere.

    Species extinction means no more bees to fertilize flowers, fruit and other plants.

    The food riots in India, Africa, Haiti and Mexico are just the start.

    But we need our SUVs!

    JOAN C
    May 20, 2013 at 7:05 am

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