What would you feed a chicken to get organic eggs?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by cookipediachef
The plastic bowl had worked fine for years, but this batch of chickens started to climb and crap in the bowl and also kick most of the feed out into the hen-house.

To prevent this, I knocked up this small box (1′ x 6" x 6") which they can’t climb into.

It is surrounded by foam pipe-lagging because they would probably rub their necks raw reaching into a deeper feeder. It is also covered with gaffer tape to prevent the idiots eating the foam.

Question by Kelly: What would you feed a chicken to get organic eggs?
Not talking about chicken feed because you don’t know whats really in that stuff. What would you feed them if you wanted to be sure there was no chemicals?

NO clue what category to put this in. lol

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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10 Responses to What would you feed a chicken to get organic eggs?

  1. how about corn? der

    The Doctor of Stuff
    May 20, 2013 at 5:32 am

  2. They eat organic grains/feed.

    May 20, 2013 at 5:55 am

  3. Generally organic eggs referrs to eggs from chickens that have not been treated with antibiotics and have been fed a diet of certified organic feed.

    May 20, 2013 at 6:19 am

  4. You must feed it organic grains, thus producing an organic egg….

    True Blue
    May 20, 2013 at 6:40 am

  5. Try to look for feed that specifically says it was produced organically. Or if you have the space, grow your own grains.

    Here’s a website that lists several producers of organic feed:

    my brain hurts
    May 20, 2013 at 7:26 am

  6. Corn, as well as combination of different seeds. Also you can cut finely greens such as salad, spinach and feed them with the grains. Some like tomatoes and for calcium you can break some egg shells very finely and include them in the mix.

    May 20, 2013 at 8:05 am

  7. Organic food.
    Corn & seeds basicly and make sure that anything else you feed them it’s organic too, like the leftovers of your food.

    May 20, 2013 at 8:28 am

  8. Give them rice or dried corn. It’s true man, all farmer in Asia did that

    May 20, 2013 at 9:16 am

  9. Organic chicken food.

    May 20, 2013 at 9:42 am

  10. Depends on what you mean by organic. Some companies say that their products are organic, and then their are products that are labeled USDA organic.
    What it means for something to be USDA organic sometimes depends on what regulations the USDA feels like using at the time (I’m not biased…). In order for eggs to be considered organic, they must come from organic chickens. An organic chicken has to have access to the outdoors and bedding. They are not allowed to be injected with antibiotics (No chickens, organic or not, are allowed to be injected with growth hormones). Debeaking is allowed. They must be fed 100% organic feed. Organic feed cannot contain bioengineered ingredients.
    Chickens need grains, vegetation, protein, minerals, and something to keep egg shells hard (oyster shells are often used). Sources of these nutrients can include corn, soy, grass, and kelp.

    May 20, 2013 at 10:19 am

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