Do goats get along if they have kids?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by Travel Salem
Visit the new Dairy Store–open Fridays through Mondays, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.You’ll be able to taste goat milk, cheeses and ice cream, pick out frozen cuts of meat, wave to the cheesemaker at work and watch the goats doing whatever the goats want to do.
Fairview Farm Goat Dairy
2340 SW Fairview
Dallas, OR 97338

Question by sorry_im2cute2talk2you: Do goats get along if they have kids?
If I have to goats and one has a kid should I seperate them or will one get too lonely? I am afraid they will fight.

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2 Responses to Do goats get along if they have kids?

  1. NO they should be fine together if you seperate them then they will most likely get lonely.

    May 20, 2013 at 4:04 am

  2. I own 46 Dairy goats. I let my does with kids run together with the herd. They will occasionally fight but this is normal for goats. They are herd animals and they have a pecking order. Someone has to be the boss. I wouldn’t seperate them unless you find that one of them is getting hurt. They do not like to be alone. I found over the years that what looks to us like fighting is just normal goat behavior. It looks scary to us but its just goats way of getting along. Feeding time at my house is like free for all..LOL.. Goats butt and ram each other and no one ever gets hurt. If the kid goes and bothers the other goat that isn’t her mom she will butt it and let it know to stay away usually. Sometimes they will let other kids hang around them it depends on the goat. I would keep them together and remember what looks like serious fighting to us, is normal to them. Good Luck with your goats. They make wonderful pets.

    May 20, 2013 at 4:58 am

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