do mormons believe maya and aztecas are descedants of israelites?

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Question by LIKEAPRAYER: do mormons believe maya and aztecas are descedants of israelites?
why is that? is the book of mormon a book that was written in America before the spanish conquests arrived to Mexico?

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8 Responses to do mormons believe maya and aztecas are descedants of israelites?

  1. Viva México Cabrones! lol

    Swαgger Gúrliciousﻬ 
    May 17, 2013 at 11:16 am

  2. yes the book says it was written around 100 a.d

    May 17, 2013 at 12:05 pm

  3. Mormondom has offended my Jesus:

    1. Orson Hyde said; “Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his wives, and that he begat children”.
    Journal of Discourses vol 2 p.210

    2. Orson Pratt said; “The Great Messiah who was the founder of the Christian religion was a Polygamist.. .we have also proved that both God the Father and our lord Jesus Christ inherit their wives in eternity as well as in time”.
    The Seer p.172

    Conclusion; The Mormon Jesus is actually the spirit brother of Lucifer, who became the devil, he was born as a result of sexual relation between God the Father and Mary, who was no longer a virgin. Jesus was a Polygamist, married at least 3 women and begat children.

    Is this the real Jesus or a counterfeit? …….2 Cor 11:4
    Now a little poem for our Mormon prophet:

    There was a man from Kolob, who because
    he lived his life so good, a god he became,
    Elohim was his name, the Council of gods made Earth his domain.
    This heavenly Father of flesh and bone was not content to sit on his throne, many wives had he, busy as a bee, producing spirit children for eternity.
    Two kids of his quarrelled over who would be the Lord, Lucifer and Jesus were they. One was Redeemer and one was the Devil, a strange brotherhood I’d say!!!
    Elohim looked on down and a virgin he found, but he didn’t leave her that way, a child she produced named him Jesus the Lord, he married 3 times so he wouldn’t be bored.


    Mickey GG
    May 17, 2013 at 12:41 pm

  4. Yes.

    The only place Book of Mormon script has been found, outside of the Book of Mormon, is in Mexico. Moroni buried the book sometime after 421 AD, after fleeing the land of his birth.

    May 17, 2013 at 1:27 pm

  5. In a fashion, Yes, though not all… yet we know so little about the world around us…

    In U.S. News and World Report, January 29th, 2001, there’s an article about Douglas Wallace, the Director of the Center for Molecular Medicine at Emory University, and it says: “Wallace’s newest and most surprising discovery is a set of genetic markers found only in the Ojibwa and other tribes living near the Great Lakes; the markers are not found in any other native Americans or in Asia. “We just don’t know how it got there,” Wallace says, “but it’s clearly related to the European population.” The simple answer would be that the DNA arrived with European colonists, but the strain is different enough from the existing European lineage that it must have left the Old World long before Columbus.” – Doug Wallace, “Where we come from: recent advances in genetics are starting to illuminate the wanderings of early humans,” U.S. News & World Report, 29 January 2001.

    Michael Waters, director of Texas A&M University’s Center for the Study of the First Americans said, “We’ve got to stop thinking about the peopling of the Americas as a singular event, and we have to start now thinking about the peopling of the Americas as a process, with people coming over here, probably arriving at different times, maybe taking different routes and coming from different places…”

    Professor Johanna Nichols, a specialist in linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley said, “The peopling of the Americas was not a one-issue, one-time event. It was an evolving process involving many different peoples over many periods of time…”

    The Mayan Civilization had its most notable beginnings around the year 2,000 BC. At a time when Europe was in the Dark Ages, the Mayan civilization was studying mathematics (among the first to numerically use “zero”), astronomy (The calendar developed by the ancient Maya was more accurate than the calendar in use throughout Europe and the medical system in place among the residents of Middle America was superior to that of the Spanish when they arrived in the New World), and developed a complex writing system.

    Using amazing engineering techniques they built large cities, beautiful temples and pyramids, and a network of raised, stone paved roads, connecting many major cities. These roads are a marvel of engineering, going through very dense jungle in near perfect, straight lines, and they are wide and built up with walled sides. One road was built straight for 62 miles in length, and a newly discovered one may have been as long as 190 miles. And why did they make them so wide, sometimes up to 33 feet wide), when they didn´t have any pack animals or wagons? So well built that some have even been used as the base for modern roads and railway lines.

    They engineered dams, canals, and irrigation systems more elaborate than the ones ancient Rome is noted for. By around 600 AD, the area of southern Guatemala, Belize, and Northern Honduras, encompassing some 37,000 square miles, had grown to a high estimated population of about 13-22,000,000 people. The Mayan population at it’s height was from 1,800 to 2,600 people per square mile near the center of the Mayan Empire. In comparison, Los Angeles County averaged 2,345 people per square mile in 2000 AD. This advanced culture flourished for about a millennium but late in the 9th century, it seemed to vanish.

    The disappearance of the Maya as a civilization is a mystery that has confused archaeologists for some time… No one knows why the culture declined and most cities were covered by encroaching forest until rediscovery in the mid to late 19th century, and until the 1980s, only the calendar and astronomical writings of the ancient Mayas could be translated.

    All of the Mayans did not just disappear; although millions did vanish, seemingly all at once, around the ninth century AD. By about 1200 AD many more had been absorbed into the militant TOLTEC culture. Many experts have pointed to possible internal warfare between Mayan city states, and there are lots of other theories and even some evidences such as drought and famine as to why an entire civilization went away, but no proof.

    “…Copan was abandoned and as of yet, we still do not know for what reason. On May 26, 800 AD, the last hieroglyphic was recorded at Copan. The priests left and most of the people followed them. They are believed to have taken most of their riches with them because few were ever found. There was no sign of war or any other reason for them to leave… No one knows for sure why the priests left Copan at the height of its history. All we know is that at its peak, Copan was one of the most powerful cities in the Maya nation…” – National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City


    If you really want to know more…

    May 17, 2013 at 1:39 pm

  6. There is nothing remotely Middle Eastern about any pre Columbian culture that existed in the Americas. The idea that a culture would go on for hundreds of years with the technology and tools explicitly mentioned in the Book of Mormon is ludicrous. It claims that they had writing, horses, the wheel, smelted steel, chariots, wheat, money, and much more.

    The language alone would have made it obvious if there was any left over Middle Eastern influence. Languages don’t change that fast and drop all their root words.

    There isn’t one single scholar or scientist who thinks the Book of Mormon is possible, except some Mormons who admit they believe on faith, not evidence. The DNA scientist who made the x haplog discovery will not tell you that it has nothing to do with Mormonism. It has long be explained away. Mormons bring it up anyway, much to his dismay.

    Fact check
    May 17, 2013 at 2:01 pm

  7. The Book of Mormon covers a period of time ranging from several thousand years BC to about 420 AD.

    DNA tests have shown that the native inhabitants of the American continents came from several different racial stocks, including some Caucasian stock that may be from Israel. The DNA tests are unfortunately inconclusive, as no one really knows what DNA from someone that left Israel 2600 years ago would look like anyhow.

    Mormons believe that the native inhabitants of the Americas are in part descended from Israelites that came to the Americas several thousand years ago.

    May 17, 2013 at 2:26 pm

  8. Yes. Southern Mexico and Guatemala is the main area where The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ took place.

    The Aztecs came along a long time after The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ was finished. It was around 400 A.D. when the last part of The Book Of Mormon Another Testament Of Jesus Christ was finished.

    You do have the general geographic area right though, so I give you credit for that. Chat.

    God bless.

    May 17, 2013 at 3:25 pm

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