How do i care for ducklings if they are already hatched?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by JunCTionS
A Mamma duck making sure all her ducklings make it out of the pond.
This was a great day… I couldn’t resist grabbing one of them… the poor mother couldn’t do much to me but quack while keeping herself between me and the other ducklings… so I let it go before snapping a picture

Question by K: How do i care for ducklings if they are already hatched?
My friend has some duck eggs in her backyard and once they hatch, she is going to bring them to my house. How do I properly care for a duckling if I am NOT hatching them?

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2 Responses to How do i care for ducklings if they are already hatched?

  1. Well, buy chick and duckling starter feed. This is what they will eat for a while. Get a box and put a blanket in it. In the blanket you should put a heating pad on low for 1-2 weeks. Make sure you have clean fresh water available at all times and you need to clean there cage 2 times a day as ducks are very messy. Also ducks love water, so in your bath tub you put shallow water and let them swim supervised so they don’t drown. Keep letting the water get a little deeper every few days. What I do for there housing is put them in a box like I said and put newspaper under the bedding. Bedding that you han use for a little hile is wood chips until they start trying to eat them and then you change it into a different bedding. This provides easy cleaning with the newspaper. When they are older like 6-7 weeks old then you need to make a pen outside so they have time to roam and get a pool with water that you change every week into there pen so they can swim. You need to put a top over the pen so nothing can get in there and they don’t fly away.

    May 17, 2013 at 11:05 am

  2. oooh i used to have ducklings! we bought seed mix for them and we used to have an old bathtub that we taught them to swim in when they got older. It would be best for you to get a small pool for them because it will make them feel like they are in their environment. Raising a duck is the same thing as raising any other bird. Dont put them in a cage…you can let them sleep in a box (make it comfortable). Let them out often, but make sure that they are in a safe environment. My birds learned how to fly, but they would never leave my side. They grew really big.

    this website is really helpful:

    May 17, 2013 at 11:24 am

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