What concerns could be raised from genetic engineering?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Johnny: What concerns could be raised from genetic engineering?

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2 Responses to What concerns could be raised from genetic engineering?

  1. maybe the potential of one day creating something superficial that is similar to human life

    May 9, 2013 at 5:16 am

  2. The people who are tinkering with it are so tunnel visioned in their pursuit the can’t imagine the results of their miscalculation. Most pathogens are specie specific. The bird flu that wiped out millions in the 1918 or so world pandemic had been confined to birds. Like the Swine Flu that later erupted, the bird flu transferred from the birds to the pigs and finally to humans. Without a bridge the diseases stayed with in their circle of species.

    Killer Bees were introduced into Brazil by the eminent Scientist Dr. Kerr. Freed from the restraints of their pathogens in Africa look what has happened. The Asian Lady bugs were introduced in the South to combat the aphid infestations on the citrus cropos onthe advice of experts. What are they doing here in Indiana. I don’t see any citrus fruit trees here. I see milliond of Asian Lady bugs.

    The scientist planted millions of Japanese beetle larvae here in the midwest on the mistaken assumption they were an enemy to the Japanese beetle, from their carefull studies, look around about the time of the raspberrie ripening and thank the scientist for the J.Beetle invasion.

    Scientists found that the Asian Big head Carp was great for cleaning up the ponds that were used for rearing cultivated fish and shrimp and stuff. The Carp were planted all over the South. They didn’t stay confined. Now the states around the Great Lakes are struggling to keep them out.

    Scientists wanted to improve the Bee stock. Their imports brought in Vaorra Mites and Tracheal Mites they almost destroyed the bee industry i by the “90’s” We now have the Colony Collapse Syndrom that is wiping out our bees. Coincidently, the guy who discovered a cause, has a product that is said to be able to save the Bees he is marketing.

    Aids was confined to the remote jungles of Africa. It has balooned world wide, how? .When it erupted in the remote Indian villages of South America and in several other areas, the only way anybody could figure it was from the vaccinations. With the studies on Syphlis and its affect on Africa Americans in the 30’s to the 70’s one wonders why there is a specific type that only affects those of African descent?

    Our strides in things like genetic engineering and a lot of other things has out raced our ability to contol the results once it is loosed on the populace. Remember the Anthrax scare right after 911 ?
    First it was directed to those radical hate mongering Arab Moslems. OOOps. it was made and distributed out of Ames Iowa. Off hand I’d say it wasn’t the Moslem terrorist but then I can’t say it was a Christian Militant or a Jewish Radical. I think it was one of our scientist that we couldn’t keep control of though.

    May 9, 2013 at 6:01 am

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