Does anyone know if whole milk or goats milk helps with acid reflux?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by VHS: Does anyone know if whole milk or goats milk helps with acid reflux?
My friends baby is almost 6 months old and someone told her to give her baby whole or goats milk to help with the acid reflux. Has anyone ever heard of that?

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6 Responses to Does anyone know if whole milk or goats milk helps with acid reflux?

  1. No. Those milks should not generally be given to babies under 1 year. They do make special formulas though that are supposed to help. Have her ask the doctor what he recommends.

    May 8, 2013 at 4:46 am

  2. no! a baby or child cannot have either milk until 1 year old.

    May 8, 2013 at 4:50 am

  3. Goat milk is a better choice than cow milk. The proteins in goat milk are more similar to human breast milk than a cow. It is also less likely for there to be an allergy. With my first child, I gave her one to two bottles a day to supplement breast feeding. I didn’t produce enough. Your friend may also be able to switch her child completely to goat milk. It will all come down to how well her baby handles it. Hope this helps. Also, the fresher the milk, the better. Try to find a reputable farm to get the milk from.
    My daughter was about 7 months old when I started giving her the goat milk.

    May 8, 2013 at 5:45 am

  4. You arent supposed to give babies any other milk than breast or formula. What I use for my 3 month old is Mylicon, which is for gas, but helps tremedously with his acid reflux… or you can use a soy based formula. I hope I helped…

    May 8, 2013 at 6:07 am

  5. That could make her really sick! Don’t ever give a baby anything besides breastmilk or formula before 1year! She could be allergic. Goat milk and whole milk do not have what a human baby needs to survive. Ask the doctor about what to do about the reflux. There is medication and special formula. It will usually clear up around 6 months of age. since the baby is 6 months im curious as to what she did before this extreamly bad advice was given to her. Tell her to see a doctor.

    Erica J
    May 8, 2013 at 6:50 am

  6. The baby is too young for any kind of milk but breast milk or formula. If baby has acid reflux (and it is considerably bad) see a Dr. My daughter was on Zantac until she was 9 months and did great!

    May 8, 2013 at 7:48 am

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