Can you show a wethered(nuetered) nubian goat?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by Travel Salem
Visit the new Dairy Store–open Fridays through Mondays, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.You’ll be able to taste goat milk, cheeses and ice cream, pick out frozen cuts of meat, wave to the cheesemaker at work and watch the goats doing whatever the goats want to do.
Fairview Farm Goat Dairy
2340 SW Fairview
Dallas, OR 97338

Question by shirley: Can you show a wethered(nuetered) nubian goat?
I am thinking about showing my goat.. I need to find out how to shave him and where to find shows close to Tupelo,MS… can you show a wethered nubian? E-MAIL me if you know exacly how to shave a dairy goat!
What about the goats head? Do you shave it too or can you leave it same length?

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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3 Responses to Can you show a wethered(nuetered) nubian goat?

  1. He wouldn’t be shown as a dairy goat since he’s a wether. Typically wethers are shown in market, but Nubian don’t make great meat goats. If you’re going to be competing a large show then you can check if they have breed divisions, but a Nubian wouldn’t be able to compete against Bores in a market class.
    When you’re clipping a goat for show you can completely body clip them or just even all the hair up.

    May 5, 2013 at 4:53 am

  2. I assume youw wether Nubian is a pet, not a future meat animal. There is no dairy class for wether goats. You don’t want to show him in meat goat classes (he’ll never win against the Boers and Kiko goats).

    You can search though. You may find pack goat classes, and your wether is perfect for those. He may also be able to compete in costume classes, and those are a great deal of fun. You might even be able to find some driving classes (him hitched to a cart) to compete in. Those are also very fun.

    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years
    Raising meat goats since 1999

    May 5, 2013 at 4:56 am

  3. When you clip a dairy goat you clip every hair on their body, head and legs included.
    If you’re in 4-H there may be dairy market classes. Just because you show in them doesn’t mean that your wether has to go to market. Nubians can be very good meat goats, just not like a Boer of Kiko.
    If you’re not in 4-H or too old for 4-H you’re probably out of luck unless you have a nearby county fair. Do a search for your nearby counties and fair. This will often bring you to their website where they may have their classes listed.
    You might also try seeing if your state has a pet goat club. Some states do.

    May 5, 2013 at 5:12 am

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