Is earth truly going to become a wasteland in the near future?

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Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers
Dairy Farmer, Jon Bansen describes his philosophy on happy cows, green grass and healthy milk.

Question by Liam: Is earth truly going to become a wasteland in the near future?
This is on the topic of global warming and I ask this because the future looks hopeless for the earth as a result of the many events that have been occurring recently like the record levels of methane in the Arctic (, the albedo loss as a result of the loss of the Arctic Ice and the melting of the Greenland Ice Pack.

The reason I ask about the earth becoming a wasteland is mainly due to the fact that recent weather extremes appear to have weakened food production on earth with severe weather like drought affecting US agriculture. I fear that the world will soon become something like the world in the novel known as The Road whereas cannibalism and starvation are the main regime as the Arctic looks to melt out completely due to extreme fracturing of the Arctic Ice ( which could lead to the Arctic melting out this summer (perhaps either in late June, early July or at some point in August) pushing the earth to the limit with regards agriculture.

That is the end of my standard fears, however there is something much worse that I fear whereas I feel and have been told that the above scenario with regards global starvation will take a number of years to occur, there is one scenario that will push that to a number of days following the melt of the Arctic Ice and that is this article here: whereas a mass methane release from the Arctic Basin and the Permafrost will cause rapid warming and bring society to a standstill in a matter of days.

So I must ask this question; does the near future hold the above scenario, do people think it holds the worst case scenario where humanity is left starving and if so what timescale would you suggest from it (I am referring to the second scenario with the mass methane release).

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7 Responses to Is earth truly going to become a wasteland in the near future?

  1. YES – just read your Bible which after all is God’s Word.
    He created everything including us and He has told as everything that will happen at the ‘Last Days’ which we are now experiencing.
    See the very profound book of ‘Revelation’ – the last book of God’s Word – the Bible

    C L S
    May 2, 2013 at 2:05 pm

  2. Yes, that is what I was told in the mid 1970’s.

    May 2, 2013 at 2:25 pm

  3. The earth is already like this in many places, so I’d say yes, it will eventually touch all of us. Look at a third world country and know that this is not the future, but the present.

    May 2, 2013 at 2:46 pm

  4. after watching a video on youtube about ghost cities in china:
    i was horrified and shocked about the state places are in,
    i am convinced that the majority of the earth will be destroyed in the near future…
    i would recommend watching the video!

    May 2, 2013 at 3:40 pm

  5. You can scratch man-made Global Warming off of your list of things to worry about. It’s not happening.

    If you want answers from people that know what they are talking about then you should watch these videos… or at least the first one. Some of the world’s top climate scientist appear.

    If you would like to know their credentials, just ask, I’ll be glad to list them.

    Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle

    Global Warming Doomsday Called Off


    May 2, 2013 at 3:52 pm

  6. H. L. Menken was a famous columnist of the 1920’s ( think , say, John Stewart ). Two of his more relevant quotes are:

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

    And, “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it.”

    It sounds like the Warmists have done their job with you, scaring hope for the future right out of you.

    Calm down.

    May 2, 2013 at 4:42 pm

  7. I would consider those extremely low-probability worst case scenarios.

    Instead, what I suspect will happen, and as far as I know what most scientists suspect will happen, is that we will have a slow increase in “normal” weather-related disasters (droughts, floods, and so on). This may spark wars, and lead to a lot of deaths both directly and indirectly, but I sincerely doubt it’s going to become some kind of movie-fodder cannibalistic wasteland. Think more slow slide into worse and worse conditions, until either we blow each other up fairly dramatically or we just starve and fight our way down to a more sustainable population.

    All this, of course, is only if we don’t *act* to stop AGW, which is in my opinion a far, far preferable outcome.

    Chem Flunky
    May 2, 2013 at 5:25 pm

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