How do I make a baby goat taken from it’s mother too early eat? It wont eat!?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by mom6: How do I make a baby goat taken from it’s mother too early eat? It wont eat!?
We were given a baby goat and told it was old enough to leave it’s mother. he said it was 40 days old. We took it in and noticed it still has its dried up ambilical cord attached. I think this person lied. It came from an auction so it”s not like I can return it. It’s been a day and a half and I can’t make it eat. How do I make it eat? I’ve tried hay, he nibbles at it a little. I tried powdered goat milk from the feed store as well as whole cow milk. He just chews on the nipple from the bottle and puts holes in them but won’t drink. I even tried to see if he would just lap it up from a bowl. He took some water that way but won’t take the milk. He’s not eating or drinking enough to survive.

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One Response to How do I make a baby goat taken from it’s mother too early eat? It wont eat!?

  1. He’s certainly far too young to be weaned. He’s probably stressed out to the max right now and that can make them not eat. A kid used to feeding from his mother won’t know how to use a bottle nipple. It’s a completely different feeling and technique than he’s used to. Until he figures it out, your best bet would be to feed him powdered formula labeled for goats. Go to your local farm supply store and get the biggest syringe you can find. Try to find one that as slip tip on it (like this one: Use the tip of the syringe and slide it between his teeth and cheek on one side of his mouth. Squirt a little formula in his mouth and give him a chance to swallow it. To keep him from aspirating it (breathing it into his lungs) don’t tip his head back, it needs to stay as level as you can keep it. You’ll probably have to feed him like this for a while until he’s stronger.
    I would also suggest adding some electrolytes to his diet. Electrolyte infant drinks work great for this. You can also smear a little bit of light corn syrup on the roof of his mouth a few times a day to keep his blood sugar up where it needs to be.
    Generally, once they feel stronger and they’ve settled in, it easier to get them to take a bottle or lap out of a bowl, but you may have to syringe feed him for a while.
    I’ve had goats and sheep for years and I know how frustrating bottle babies can be. If you have any other questions or need any more help, feel free to email me through my profile. Just put something in the subject about goats.
    I hope this helps and I hope your little guy makes it.

    April 29, 2013 at 4:27 am

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