Can I get sick from becoming a vegetarian?

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raising turkeys
Image by BioDivLibrary
Turkey raising
New York,Orange Judd publishing company; [etc., etc.]1922.

Question by Pink Dynamite: Can I get sick from becoming a vegetarian?
I recently went vegetarian Cold Turkey. Let’s say about a month now. My parents say that I am going to get sick but I feel fine. Are they right or will I get sick? I really love being a vegetarian because I love animals. I also think it is healthier.Please help me I don’t want to hurt myself either.

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5 Responses to Can I get sick from becoming a vegetarian?

  1. if you’re passionate from it, then you havta find other sources of protein (as only meat contain protein). THerefore you’re gonnna needta eat a variety of nuts and stuff. You could still eat eggs, cheese and milk right?

    all in all, just remember to get sufficient protein into your diet from alternative sources and you should do fine.

    April 14, 2013 at 11:25 am

  2. As long as you are still getting all the nutrients that you need you should be fine. If you can go to a nutritionist, they’ll be able to give you the best answer as to what you should eat. Just make sure you are getting enough protein so make sure you eat like eggs and beans.

    Heather S
    April 14, 2013 at 12:16 pm

  3. You can be somewhat healthy being a vegetarian, but realize we were not designed to be that. Primitive people ate wild animals that fed on wild grasses and herbs and wild fish as their primary diet. Just look at what happens to dogs when they are fed those commercial dog foods. Dogs were designed to eat raw meat, not soy, wheat, and grains. Dogs die young and usually die of a disease. If dogs are fed raw meat and occasionally fed veggies, they live about 2 to 3 times longer and do not get the typical doggy diseases.

    Primitive people did NOT get cavities or have plaque build up on their teeth and were resistant to most diseases. There is NO vegan culture in the world that you can point to that have healthy people free of diseases and long lived.

    The most telling problem with vegetarians is that they have to get alternate proteins from things like soy that is really bad for the body unless it is fermented. Vitamin B-12 is only found in meat. Yes, there are some other sources, but it is not the true B-12 that must break down in your stomach into smaller molecules for your body to digest.

    Vegetarians must take supplements to live a reasonably normal life and yes, you can survive and it has some benefits, but it also carries a heavy price on longevity. The big proponent, author, and famous vegetarian, Pavlov Areola died at 62 of a stroke.

    The biggest problem facing Americans in regard to meat is not meat, but where it is coming from. Grain Fed cows are unhealthy and promote disease, but they are cheaper to raise and more profit can be gotten from them. Grass Fed Dairy Cows live about 4 times longer than the grain fed ones that give us Pasteurized / Homogenized milk. They are unhealthy and produce unhealthy milk that contains lots of human pathogens before they destroy the bacteria in pasteurization.

    I love animals too, but we are designed to eat animals and to be truly healthy, a person should eat animals.

    good luck to you

    April 14, 2013 at 12:31 pm

  4. As long as your diet is still balanced then you most likely won’t get sick. I went cold turkey and I didn’t get sick. Make sure to eat a lot of protein, from beans, tofu, nuts, etc.

    Some good websites that might help:

    Good Luck.

    April 14, 2013 at 1:24 pm

  5. As long as you substitute for the meat then you will not “get sick”. People do not NEED to eat meat. People are omnivores by choice. Compared to a carnivore’s short intestinal tract, which reaches about three times its body length. An herbivore’s intestines are 12 times its body length, and humans are closer to herbivore’s, not meat eaters. A vegetarian can be just as healthy or healthier than a meat eater as long as you know what foods to eat. This is very important because you can become easily deficient if you don’t eat a variety of foods.
    There is a lot of protein in nuts, beans, milk, cheese, eggs and some types of bread. Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and cereals. .

    April 14, 2013 at 1:33 pm

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