What cell voltage are nickel cadmium batteries?

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Question by richard: What cell voltage are nickel cadmium batteries?
I have some Nickel Cadmium Batteries, each one has 2 cells . They are aproximately 15″ x 6″ x 8″, I guess they weigh about 10 kg each. It says the brand name is NIFE. I’m on a 12v solar power system for my home and need to know how many of these Nickel Cadmium batteries I need to replace my dying leadacid battery bank. At the moment a multimeter puts them between 2.4v and 2.8v per cell, but I don’t know their present state of charge

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5 Responses to What cell voltage are nickel cadmium batteries?

  1. sou do brasil nÃo falo a lingua inglesa mais estou proco]urando novas amizades

    April 14, 2013 at 5:03 am

  2. NiCads are 1.2 volts nominal. They usually hit 1.25 at full charge, but fall back to 1.2 very quickly.

    Paschal H
    April 14, 2013 at 5:49 am

  3. The cell voltage you are reading sounds right for a lead-acid battery. No good for any other type though.

    NiCd batteries are nominally 1.2v but on charge voltage will be about 1.4v.

    I could be wrong but the cells you have maybe NiFe cells (Nickel Iron).

    < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel-iron_battery>

    Again, the cell voltage is 1.2v. NiFe cells are very robust. They will last for decades. Its limitations, namely, low specific energy, poor charge retention, and poor low-temperature performance, and its high cost of manufacture compared with the lead-acid battery led to a decline in use.

  4. I hope you mean 2.4 volts per battery, which is 2 cells. This puts the cell voltage at 1.2 volts, about right for Ni-Cd.

    2,4 volts per cell doesn’t make sense.

    April 14, 2013 at 7:15 am

  5. it takes 10 nicad battery cells to make 12 volts. however if your equipment is designed for lead-acid, then it is not a 12 volt system but rather a 13.6 volt system, with the charge regulator often set at 14.5 to 15 volts. In this case, nicad replacement would be better using 12 cells (14.4 volt).

    April 14, 2013 at 7:23 am

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