Why does the EU and NATO tolerate parts of the EU being under occupation?

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Question by Jim J: Why does the EU and NATO tolerate parts of the EU being under occupation?
NATO can bomb the Serbs and intervene in the Balkans. It can send troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet it sits on its hands with the Illegal Occupation of Northern Cyprus? its in the EU, the land around constantinople is in Europe and illegally held.
So why the special dispensation with Turkey, why no embargo’s and why are some in the EU asking for Turkey to be a full member when it occupies another EU state? Is this more EU hypocrisy?

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4 Responses to Why does the EU and NATO tolerate parts of the EU being under occupation?

  1. The Turks have been in European Turkey for nearly 1,000 years – longer than the Franks have been in France. Cyprus was part of Turkey until the British occupied it in 1918. You’re being a bit selective with your hypocrisy.

    The EU came close to resolving the situation in Cyprus before Southern Cyprus joined. The agreement would have meant the end of Turkish occupation – but the Greek Cypriots rejected it.

    old know all
    April 12, 2013 at 3:03 pm

  2. I have asked myself this question for more than 15 years.

    All I can say politics, no common sense or morality is in the mind of the Eurocrats. All they are interested is in their own welfare and money.
    Yes it is all about money, sadly Cyprus has no oil, so no value to the Eurocrats. Human suffering , the world is not interested in, but if they had oil, well, totally different story.

    Well you can get a petition up on the website get as many people as possible f to sign the petition. Give the petition to your EU member of parliament, he is obliged to raise the debate in Brussels. Get news papers involved, not just your local paper, go to the German, French, English newspapers. Write to the Times in the Letter to the Editor section. Don’t write once, write several times.

    Highlight the issues, do not make it sound like racial or religious hatred, but genuine concern for the people of Cyrpus.

    April 12, 2013 at 3:38 pm

  3. Northern Cyprus is not in the EU.

    Damian McBride
    April 12, 2013 at 4:02 pm

  4. I think you should take Northern Ireland as an example. Two modern, reasonably wealthy democratic members of the EU , Ireland and the UK have a claim on it. Likewise Gibraltar (Spain and The UK). The EU should not have admitted Cyprus or Greece until the question of Cyprus had been settled. Turkey may be wrong but if you side with those who oppose them, they will not listen to anything you have to say.
    Bombing Turkey or placing and embargo on them will just do what all past policy failures have done, antagonise them into hitting back. Turkey is not a push over and is not without friends and allies in the world.
    By the way, Istanbul (Constantinople) is not illegally held. It is internationally recognised as Turkish. The Greeks tried to take it and half of Turkey at the end of The First World War, a lot of misery later, they had to retreat back into present day Greece. Please avoid selling propaganda on YA. Lets keep things polite also.

    Tolerant b
    April 12, 2013 at 4:49 pm

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