What are some examples I can use to show how competitive the social world is?

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Question by Shamillionaire: What are some examples I can use to show how competitive the social world is?

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4 Responses to What are some examples I can use to show how competitive the social world is?

  1. your question is not clear, social world compared to what???,,,, I live in the USA,,,,,,, I do not know where you are from,,,,,,,here,,,,,,,, there are ppl who are quite competitive, to the extreme that they will (in a matter of speaking) stab anyone in the back to get where they want to get on the corporate ladder(meaning, they are like your best friend, but if you ever make a mistake , they will be the first to report you, not help you),,,,but then there are ppl like myself ,who realize that getting to the top of the corporate ladder means sacrificing family, friends, those who you love and realize are more important than money.Some , like myself, learn and realize that money and stabbing others in the back to climb the corporate ladder are not what life is really about, Some of us will take a large decrease in salary after realizing, some things are much more important than money,,,,,,,,,,,,,then there are some that just don’t see that and think, the ones with the most toys win in the end,,,,,,,, sad they can’t take their toys with them in the end.
    The thing about business is that you have to know and realize that there are ppl that appear to be the best of friends to you, but they will learn and know your weaknessesand use them against you just to improve their own status, not caring, ( though had pretended to be your friend), they use this as an advantage, another step of the ladder is all you are/were.

    April 4, 2013 at 8:45 pm

  2. Rosalind Wiseman wrote a great book entitled “Queen Bees and Wannabes” about teenage girls, the formation of cliques and the cutthroat actions that the girls would take to become more popular. (The film adaptation was called “Mean Girls”). Lying, backstabbing, etc. I’d say the same thing happened with the Lindsay Lohan-Paris Hilton feud.

    Another example would be politics. Just look at the record-breaking spending to be the president! In the 2004 election the Democrats and Republicans combined for over $ 1.7 billion in spending – they raised just under $ 1 billion four years earlier.

    Elly & Pao
    April 4, 2013 at 8:55 pm

  3. Competition destroys cooperation.
    Family needs to have cooperation attitudes in order to resolve their conflicts. The result of families with competitive members is divorce. For that reason white families in USA have the highest divorce rate, instead Asiatic families have the lowest. Asiatic culture is more cooperative than American culture.
    When a man and a woman in a romance relationship start to compete, the relation is over.
    Children who grew up in cooperative families, for instance, with the presence of grandparents, uncles, ants, cousins, develop more negotiating skills and are less egocentric.
    Divorce, familiar conflicts, difficulty in the group to work as a team are examples that show how the competitive is the social world.

    ana b
    April 4, 2013 at 9:30 pm

  4. like if youre trying to apply for a job, most of the time it depends on your network. sad, but so true.
    also if you have a cirsle of “friends” you have to do things in order to keep up with them. like make an effort to call, visit, etc… it takes work to stay in a social circle.

    April 4, 2013 at 10:00 pm

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