Image by vincelaconte
Question by Reda: My puppy german shepherd swallowed a whole chicken wing, what should i do?
she is 3 1/2 month old and she is on a barf diet. i feed her chicken wings all the time but she usually chews it up and then eat it. today she swallowed the whole thing without biting it! will she be alright? she made a weird sound while she was swallowing it. but now she is normal but will anything happen?
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i wouldnt give chicken bones to my dog at all.
they are different from other bones, they are more flexible and thats why they can get stuck in the pipes. worst case your dog chokes. so I’d stay away from chicken bones.
Alice Loftus
March 29, 2013 at 9:14 pm
Take her to the vet to make sure. U shouldn’t feeding chicken bones to her like that since dogs tend to choke on bones. Why is she in a barf diet? o.O I hope your puppy will be alright. Best of luck.
March 29, 2013 at 9:22 pm
she should be okay. i believe the barf diet is raw so the bone should break down in digestion. its the cooked bones you have to worry about splintering.
March 29, 2013 at 9:28 pm
First off all, never give your dog whole chicken wings or anything with bones in it.. Because they will swallow it whole and they can choke on it. I dont really know what a barf diet is. But if she swallowed it and shes still breathing I guess she will be okay. Just don’t ever do it again, because the bones can get stuck and she will suffocate.
March 29, 2013 at 9:29 pm
She will be fine as long as they were raw. Cooked bones splinter
raw bones don’t. But you need to get her to slow down. What I did
with mine was cupped the food in my hand so she could not scarf it.
Then as she calmed I opened my had and she chewed it instead of
gulping it down.
March 29, 2013 at 9:42 pm