what is the outcome of a pekin and mallard duck mating?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by Waldo Jaquith
We got a half-dozen ducklings, to raise for eggs. They’re magpies, which we selected for their prolific laying and their skills as foragers. And the fact that Southern States had some for sale.

Question by petmoma: what is the outcome of a pekin and mallard duck mating?
is it bad that my female pekin duck and my male mallard duck mated. Will the ducklings be disformed and live not as long. can the offspring mate with others. about how many eggs will be conceived. what should i prepare for.

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2 Responses to what is the outcome of a pekin and mallard duck mating?

  1. There’s nothing wrong with a Pekin/Mallard cross, the duckling will actually have a better chance at not being deformed in any way because the parents are defiantly not related. They are both species of duck so the offspring will be able to breed as well. Only Duck crossed with Muscovy(ducks) seem to be infertile.
    Eggs are not ‘conceived’ they are laid and the mumma duck sits on them for about 30-33 days. If you only have the one duck nesting on the one spot you could have a clutch of eggs up to 15 or 20.
    One time though my ducks kept adding to the nest and i ended up with a clutch of 50, only about 10 actually hatched though, the rest were thrown away. My suggestion is when the duck gets off the nest use a marker to write a Cross X on the eggs, and every time she gets off the nest go in and remove the unmarked ones.
    Make sure Mumma and babies have a safe covered place to live so no predators can get in and kill them. And if your feeding you ducks pellets make sure you grind some up into crumbles for the ducklings to eat. and a constant supply of water. Don’t let the babies go swimming for the first couple of weeks because they could become water-logged and die.

    March 23, 2013 at 11:25 am

  2. Pekin and mallards are actually the same, except the Pekin is a more recently domesticated breed and a different color. All domestic ducks, except the Muscovy, come from mallards. They will be perfectly fine. They will most likely look like mallards with a few of them looking like a mallard with a lot more white in them, or white ducks with a red chest area and some other brown feathers when grown. The offspring will be able to mate with any other domestic duck, too.

    I can’t give you the exact number of eggs that they will hatch, but probably the normal amount for both varieties. I think Pekins can lay a lot of eggs. However, not all eggs will hatch, which is not abnormal for either breed.

    You can raise your hybrids just like any other ducks or baby ducks. You may need an incubator and/or brooder if the female doesn’t take care of her eggs or babies, but otherwise it’s the same as with any other duck.

    March 23, 2013 at 11:36 am

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