Looking for mobile solar power solution?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar power home
Image by mjmonty
Tracker system at the Porter home in Franklin

Question by weburchin: Looking for mobile solar power solution?
I’ve seen handheld solar power devices (similar to wind power devices) that can charge small batteries.
I am looking to experiment with solar panels used within accents (trim) around home, yard (decorations), possible used within car bodies – to charge batteries.
This would not be used to power anything exclusively – but to add to the overall power collection.

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One Response to Looking for mobile solar power solution?

  1. there are solar panels out there are produce 12 volts. I have one. It cost me 100 bucks. You can buy that in Scientific (if i remember right). All you have to do is look for the power rating you want. Also remember that the power rating is at max power. So if you want to get 1 volt then you should look for something that is around 8 volts and use a circuit board to reduce the energy to 1 volt other wise you will blow up the battery.

    March 20, 2013 at 5:58 pm

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