How can I suggest others to respect how I raise my child?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by destiny4l: How can I suggest others to respect how I raise my child?
Most of my life I have only eaten chicken and turkey, I do not eat beef or pork for my own reasons. I want my child to be the same, and when my child gets older she can make her own decisions. I will explain to her why these choices are made. My sister in law felt the need to tell me that the baby should eat all meats. First of all I am the mom, so she has no reason to get upset. And me and her brother have made this decision. My mother in law also felt the need to chime in, and me and her already had talked about it together and she and I had an understanding, but now she changes her opinion. How I feel about is who cares? How would people feel if everyone tried to tell them how to raise their child?

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6 Responses to How can I suggest others to respect how I raise my child?

  1. Just smile at them and say “thank you for your thoughts,but this is our decision” If they continue to press say ” I consider the issue closed, thank you for your thoughts”

    My kids' mom
    March 17, 2013 at 11:41 pm

  2. sigh…..people can tell you how to raise your child, doesn’t mean you have to get angry, mad, try to explain or even listen to their advise.

    Serene E
    March 18, 2013 at 12:15 am

  3. Your child needs enough protein in her diet for healthy development and ideally not from highly processed sources like packaged or canned lunch meats, hot dogs, and cheap frozen chicken nuggets.

    Beyond that, the source matters very little in terms of her health. She can get the protein that she needs from meats, nuts, beans, poultry, and/or fish. As her mother the decision is wholly yours and no one else’s!

    There is no reason she “should” eat all other meats except that she may have tummy troubles if they are introduced much later, when she isn’t used to them. That is hardly a serious concern, though – just plan to talk with her about starting with just a little beef or pork if she wants to try it when she is older.

    I’ve found that a polite but pointed “thanks for sharing your opinion” can help shut down family “experts”. Just refuse to debate and keep on doing what you’re doing! 🙂 It is silly for them to get upset, but if they do that is their choice and they’ll just have to get over it!

    March 18, 2013 at 1:06 am

  4. I partly agree with your food choices. Red meat is important meaning beef. Organic that is. Pork in the other hand, I dont understand how these parents feed that to their babies. That animal eats its own waste along with many other disgusting things. Also its your child do what you think is best. Dont let others push it on you. And don’t let it get to you. Milk does come from cows at least 🙂

    March 18, 2013 at 1:09 am

  5. Our bodies need food for nutrition only. Beef and chicken contain the same nutrients, chicken is much leaner while beef is more superior. But, one only needs beef if they are trying to gain weight.

    Otherwise, our bodies don’t care. That is what your in laws need to understand.

    March 18, 2013 at 1:28 am

  6. I wouldn’t rage war with them.
    I would simply say “That is your life style choice, and this is mine and my husbands. We feel it is what is best for our child, and so long as he/she remains healthy and happy I will continue to do what I feel is best. Any suggestions otherwise are welcome once, but after that, have been made, and then need to be dropped”

    March 18, 2013 at 1:48 am

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