How do you take care of a Pekin duck. And where is the best place to buy them.?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by Tina: How do you take care of a Pekin duck. And where is the best place to buy them.?
I live in Massachusetts, and I really want a pet duck. My friend has one. She didn’t need a permit for daffy her duck. could someone also please say pro’s and con’s about having ducks.

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2 Responses to How do you take care of a Pekin duck. And where is the best place to buy them.?

  1. Pekins can be big, and any size duck is messy! You really should get two, since they like to flock together. Usually Tractor Supply, and other farm stores have ducklings in spring. Craigslist has ducklings and ducks all the time. Just search. You can search smaller breeds that might be less work. You need a place to keep them, like a large pen or fenced in area, unless you are not close to the road or neighbors. Ducks will destroy any grass in the area they live within a short time. You need to provide food and water most all the time, though the can go all night without food and water. Helps keep the duck house clean. They need water changes several times daily. Ducks eat and then need to drink right away to clear their nostrils, so the water muct be deep enough for them to get the entire bill underwater. This makes the water very dirty! They will also try and swim in it if they can, which also makes it very muddy! A kiddie pool in the unforzen weather is great fun for them. They also like grass and other greesn thrown into their water daily. They can be raised on chicken feed. They are great fun to watch and will become friendly if they are used to seeing you. Some never relish human touch, but can at least be comfortable with you around.

    March 15, 2013 at 5:11 am

  2. The best way to get a duck is too attach a piece of bread to a string mosey on down to your local pond or estuary and get one of those little quackers attention .

    When said sick is moving in on the bread slowly pull away and lead the duck all the way home or alternativley a box with holes in it.

    Once a duck follows you out of the water the duck legally becomes yours if you wish to claim guardianship.

    Now the pros

    Ducks are fierce and formidable protectors and can sense any danger before it occurs.
    Ducks eat stale bread
    Ducks can be toilet trained
    Ducks are a symbol of wealth in many cultures
    Ducks can be trained to ride a skateboard which you could film then possibly get a mention on an obscure wacky animal antics type of show

    And finally the cons,

    Ducks only sleep 25 minutes a day
    Ducks cannot walk backwards
    Ducks do not blink
    Ducks will hide your housekeys
    Ducks are rarely portrayed as the hero in cartoons


    March 15, 2013 at 5:30 am

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