In Canada, can I install a wind turbine power at my home as source of electricity (I live in a quiet neighbour?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar power home
Image by CERTs
On Thursday, May 3rd, 2012, 46 people from the Mahtomedi Area came together to learn how they can add a solar system to their own home.

Question by : In Canada, can I install a wind turbine power at my home as source of electricity (I live in a quiet neighbour?
I’m planning to cut my electricity and instead use wind turbine power, if not, what about solar power?

I just want to know the requirements & if I can install one to work effectively. i live in edmonton alberta

Btw, I have paid my mortgage and all remaining debts.

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4 Responses to In Canada, can I install a wind turbine power at my home as source of electricity (I live in a quiet neighbour?

  1. In canada you can do as you want,
    wind power is more reliable than Solar,
    and less expensive to install

    William B
    March 8, 2013 at 11:45 am

  2. If you lived in ON, I would definitely recommend it since there’s a subsidy that government offers here. But I’m quiet certain there are some incentives offered in Alberta too. Do a bit of research, or I could help you more on that if required.

    On the question of wind or solar, this really depends on may factors. Wind turbines can be a little bit noisy, so that could be of a problem for your neighbors. Moreover, you have to take into consideration all the objects close to your home (like trees) that could affect the wind dynamics before it get to you.

    On the hand, solar also has its pros and cons. As mentioned rightly above, the initial capital might be too much, but then again you can get a lot of support from different sources.

    Depending on technical factors, the size of the system (wind or solar) could be determined. Then you can find out how much you could cut on your electricity.

    Visit my blog on solar systems, and also ask me any questions you have about wind energy.

    March 8, 2013 at 12:12 pm

  3. It depends on what local zoning and permiting will allow not to mention the reaction of your neighbors.

    Finally have you objectively looked at the costs versus savings? Many times it will take you ages to get your money back.

    oil field trash
    March 8, 2013 at 12:49 pm

  4. call 311. and ask. they will refer you to the proper department. The only zoning I can think of is height- this is where cell phone towers and Radio Amateur antennas run into problems.

    you may find solar more cost effective. Look up the netzero homes.

    March 8, 2013 at 1:45 pm

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