why do black makes where their pants down & and why cant i ask them to pull them up?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by husband & morel mushroom farmer: why do black makes where their pants down & and why cant i ask them to pull them up?
my wife and i were in the mall and i asked a young male to pull up his pants so we didn’t have to look at his under pants and he tried to knock me out…what’s wrong with these guys and where are their parents?

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14 Responses to why do black makes where their pants down & and why cant i ask them to pull them up?

  1. geez its just a style

    March 5, 2013 at 2:19 pm

  2. Well its a public place and even if his pants were down there are other places you can look. You dont nessacerily have to look at his underpants…..just out of curiousity how would you know his pants were down if you werent looking at his butt in the first place….hmmmm

    Vinesha Siivaad
    March 5, 2013 at 2:58 pm

  3. Easy, dont look.

    Mia B ~ I AM my Man's Queen
    March 5, 2013 at 3:33 pm

  4. Maybe you didn’t know how to speak to him properly. I’m saying this because you can’t spell, it’s wear, not where.

    Choc1 says, Go Chargers!!
    March 5, 2013 at 4:22 pm

  5. You really don’t have the right to tell someone how to dress or how to wear a certain item of clothing. If someone is offending you buy showing their undergarments then you just have to look away.

    March 5, 2013 at 5:04 pm

  6. Your wife was interested in them coming off to see the BBC?

    March 5, 2013 at 5:05 pm

  7. I know it is just nasty and ignorant to have to look at the underpants of half the young men in this country.
    Even Obama, in an interview, said to all the young men who walk around with this style ” guys, pull your pants up, show some respect.”

    I wonder if all of these guys who walk around like that realize that sagging your pants began in the prison system as a way of letting others know that you were open to the whole anal sex thing? there are an awful lot of young guys these days who must be open and wanting some gay lovin!!!!! lol

    It is annoying to see all of the time!

    March 5, 2013 at 5:09 pm

  8. This is like telling a woman to stop showing cleavage since it’s “immoral” and what not. Jeez, get over it already. And their parents? Ha!
    That’s so typical of blaming the parents. If they had super spy technology to watch their kids every move I’m sure they would use it but they DON’T.
    (Unless their like.. Jay Z and shit. But they where probably not. lol)

    March 5, 2013 at 5:42 pm

  9. These people are what i like to think of as people who don’t know respect

    this is not to be offensive but…
    1. Is it respectful to YOURSELF to have your underpants showing? i mean… does it somehow seem attractive to you? or do you think it’s attractive to other girls? particularly other black girls?


    2. Is it respectful to the OTHER PEOPLE AROUND YOU? is it funny to let other people see your underpants? or do you just not care?

    the answer: THEY DON’T CARE about what other people see. All they see is themselves doing what they’re doing. and if you’re not up for it… they say “sucks for you”

    ~~ looking from the other perspective ~~

    1. Why can’t you ask them to pull it up?
    A. once again. it’s “their way of expressing themselves” and they don’t care that it bothers other people!

    2. What’s wrong with these guys?
    A. They don’t care and have No respect whatsoever.

    3. Where are their parents?
    A. I don’t know. they could be…
    -caring, but their children aren’t listening
    -not caring, therefore influencing their children to be that way
    -encouraging this situation (BAD~~~~)

    -and finally… not to be racist.. but people like this usually don’t care about education and what they come out to be… and as for their parents… they could’ve been the same way! OR, they could’ve been that way and tried to change their children but were unsuccessful… OR it could be that the parent’s just don’t know how to raise children/ talk to their children/ know what’s going on with their children’s lives/ give them the whole birds and bees talk about growing up and how important this period of time really is and how much it’ll affect them when they have to go out and face the real world.

    btw, you weren’t wrong to ask him that, and he was wrong for getting physical… but as a general rule of thumb…

    if you don’t like it, don’t deal with it… walk on past. it’s not your problem that they’re setting themselves up for disrespect from others… it’s their problem so let them handle it…. (when it finally hits them).

    March 5, 2013 at 6:23 pm

  10. You’re talking about some black teens..
    You tell any teen to do something..they’ll try to knock your block off.
    And by the way..many many white teen males wear their pants low too..and they’d try to knock you out if you told them anything..

    March 5, 2013 at 6:25 pm

  11. number 1 its “wear” not where! n cuz u’ll get knocked the phuck out!

    nona yabidness
    March 5, 2013 at 6:30 pm

  12. … well first of all not only black guys sag their pants. sk8r boys and emos do it too. and second of all, its the new trend. so get over it

    |{î®Å |{î®Å
    March 5, 2013 at 7:17 pm

  13. Well I have a better question, why were you looking at his butt in the first place? A lookers eyes only go where they are directed to go to.

    MiSZ P00KA {{i <3 JAQUAN}}
    March 5, 2013 at 8:06 pm

  14. LOL! @ this question

    Why are you worrying about black guys sagging there pants..LOL he was trying to punch you, Huh?

    I Would punch you too considering you have bad grammar skills.

    Pimp Daddy Ceasar 3rd
    March 5, 2013 at 8:06 pm

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