How many American families grill or cook outdoors annually?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by jalexartis
Designed to fit in with the landscaping of my yard.

Question by Cory O: How many American families grill or cook outdoors annually?
looking for a total or average between the two (grilling/cooking) outdoors.

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4 Responses to How many American families grill or cook outdoors annually?

  1. Several MILLION !!!

    Sweetdaddy Rex
    March 2, 2013 at 8:48 am

  2. I don’t know how you would ever find an accurate number as no one has to report whether they cook out or not.
    I think most American families with the yard or deck to accomodate a grill cook out at least a few times a year.
    We do it winter and summer although when its snowing out and cold as a well diggers behind it can be a bit challenging.

    March 2, 2013 at 8:49 am

  3. I’ve actually heard a number but I’m afraid I forget it exactly. But it’s almost everybody in America. Even people in apartments will either have a hibachi on the back porch or go to a park that has BBQ pits.

    John D
    March 2, 2013 at 9:25 am

  4. An annual nationwide study reveals that 7 percent of Americans report spending more than 10 hours each week cooking outdoors during their “grilling season.” With this, almost half (49 percent) of all study respondents cite that they grill or smoke-cook year-round, including 37 percent at or below freezing temperatures.

    The 22nd annual Weber GrillWatch Survey™—the nation’s first and foremost study on who, what, where and why Americans grill—also shows that US grill and smoker owners cook an average of five hours per week. Additionally, 22 percent overall say they are grilling “more” this year compared to last. All this indicates the increasing zeal for outdoor cooking.

    Importance of Entertaining Outdoors

    Nearly 78 percent of US grill and or smoker owners say that grilling is an “extremely important” or “pretty important” activity when entertaining guests at their home. Among those who grill primarily on charcoal (who also tend to be more passionate about grilling overall), an impressive 92 percent agree with either statement.

    Nearly one-fourth of Weber GrillWatch Survey respondents hosted at least five barbecue parties during summer 2010.

    Meals and Foods Grilled

    Dinner remains as the primary meal grilled on a regular basis (89 percent), followed by lunch (35 percent) and breakfast (3 percent). Although eight out of 10 grillers respond that they have never grilled breakfast outdoors, more than half of them are interested in learning.

    Here are the top five foods grilled most often during the last year:

    Hamburgers (69 percent)
    Steak (46 percent)
    Chicken pieces (42 percent)
    Hot dogs (39 percent)
    Ribs (17 percent)

    2011 Weber GrillWatch Survey respondents cite these five foods as the “most challenging” to grill:

    Desserts (34 percent)
    Tie for second: Fish and pizza (both at 27 percent)
    Shellfish (25 percent)
    Fruits (22 percent)

    While 96 percent of all Americans grill burgers outdoors, beef burgers are the country’s favorite at 93 percent, followed by turkey (14 percent) and vegetables (6 percent). Favorite burger toppings rank as onions (62 percent), tomatoes, (61 percent), lettuce and ketchup (both 59 percent), and then mustard (50 percent).

    Other Newsworthy Grilling Facts from the 2011 Weber GrillWatch Survey:

    Currently, 71 percent of all Americans (21 and older) own an outdoor grill and or smoker:
    The majority own a gas grill (67 percent). Of these, 7 percent use a natural gas line vs. a propane tank grill
    Forty-six percent own a charcoal grill
    Ten percent own a smoker
    Four percent own an outdoor electric grill
    Thirty percent of American grill owners own two or more outdoor grills or smokers, which is down 5 percentage points from 35 percent in 2010; 5 percent own three or more which is down from 6 percent.
    Although fewer are grilling away from home compared to last year (53 compared to 65 percent), campgrounds are the second favorite venue (37 percent), with parks followed at 28 percent, beaches at 18 percent, and tailgates close behind at 17 percent.
    US gas grill owners report these top features on their current grill: 52 percent have a side burner (down from 2010’s 61 percent); 27 percent have a rotisserie (down from 2010’s 32 percent); and 19 percent have a “Sear Zone” of some kind (up from 2010’s 17 percent).

    Other Newsworthy Grilling Facts from the 2011 Weber GrillWatch Survey, (continued):

    An overall 8 percent of all US grill owners say there are outdoor barbecue restrictions where they live: 25 percent of these report that gas grills aren’t allowed, another 28 percent report that charcoal grills aren’t allowed, and the remaining 47 percent report that there are no grills of any type allowed where they live. The majority of these respondents (13 percent) live in urban areas vs. those who live in rural or suburban areas of the country (7 percent).
    Nearly one out of every four Americans (24 percent) say they’re using grilling accessories “more now than in the past,” while one-third maintain same usage (33 percent).
    Men are still the primary griller in most US households (61 percent) with 20 percent of households reporting that it’s a shared responsibility among men and women.
    Independence Day remains as the favorite grilling holiday at 81 percent, followed by birthdays at 67 percent, Labor Day at 66 percent, and Memorial Day (61 percent compared to last year’s 71 percent). Father’s Day is fifth this year at 48 percent.

    Gabrial Knight
    March 2, 2013 at 10:10 am

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