How can we make these things sustainable?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers

Question by G2: How can we make these things sustainable?
How can we reduce growing Crops for food, feed, and fibre such as cotton.
And how can we reduce making room for infrastructure such as roads and housing.

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3 Responses to How can we make these things sustainable?

  1. Increase productivity on current means and reduce wastage. Especially the ones done by industries to keep price at high level.

    March 2, 2013 at 8:32 am

  2. Type of development specifically rests on society & the Government. If their policies & plans are wrong,then it invites more troubles.The only solution is to have wise & experienced & learned individuals at the policy making levels. As any Tom,Dick & Harry cannot become a scientists,so is the case with National Planners.

    March 2, 2013 at 8:38 am

  3. If we focused on transit concepts like PRT which can compete with the convenience of the automobile then the road infrastructure could be a lot less than they are today. Rain collection can reduce the need for water. If we encourage urban agriculture, we can make labor intensive small scale plots possible and reduce transportation costs. Fibrous material like cotton can be readily produced by modified bacteria or yeast in large vats. We have had the technological solutions to be sustainable, just not the economic or political will to do so.

    John W
    March 2, 2013 at 9:09 am

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