How much would it cost to bottle feed a goat kid for 2 months?

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dairy goats
Image by cliff1066™
The Anglo-Nubian, or simply Nubian in the United States, is a breed of domestic goat. The breed was developed in Great Britain of native milking stock and goats from the Middle East and North Africa. Its distinguishing characteristics include large, pendulous ears and a "Roman" nose. Due to their Middle-Eastern heritage, Anglo-Nubians can live in very hot climates and have a longer breeding season than other dairy goats. Considered a dairy or dual-purpose breed, Anglo- Nubians are known for the high butterfat content of their milk, although on average, the breed produces less volume of milk than other dairy breeds. Anglo-Nubians are large, with does weighing at least 135 lb. (61 kg.)and 175 lb. (79 kg) for bucks. The minimum height of the breed, measured at the withers, is 30 (76 cm) for does and 88 cm for buck.

Question by Mimi: How much would it cost to bottle feed a goat kid for 2 months?
how much would it cost to bottle feed a goat kid for 2 months?
Thanks nothing mean.
For a Nubian or a Alpine.
Milk Replacer by me is 7 lbs of $ 20.00

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3 Responses to How much would it cost to bottle feed a goat kid for 2 months?

  1. It depends on the size/breed of the kid as well as the cost of goat starter and feed in your area.

    You need goat milk replacement formula and might need hay as well as goat kid ration – this is optional but you will need hay if you have no where for it to graze and browse.

    If it is a small breed one bag of goat milk replacer should be enough – which, depending where you live, might be $ 30-45. You can call your livestock feed store and ask them how much a bag costs.

    February 25, 2013 at 3:58 am

  2. You would probably only need one bag, possibly two. and you need a bottle and nipple. So 30- 50 bucks id guess. If that, you may go to the dollar tree and use a regular baby bottle and nipple. We used one, from walmart, and it worked fine.

    February 25, 2013 at 4:32 am

  3. Well first off 7lbs isn’t going to last too long. I buy mine by the 20kg bag and I think I figured it would do 2 goats for 8 weeks. 20kg here is $ 65 (Canada) I’m feeding Alpines, Lamanchas and Saanens.

    It is going to depend on the brand of replacer and the mixing instructions. These are the instructions on the brand I use. If it’s the same as yours you can estimate based on this. It’s Grober Kid Gro. For this, 300 grams of replacer mixes up with water to be 2L of milk.

    Daily Feeding Guide for Bottle feeding
    Kid Age mL of solution/feeding no. feeding/day
    Day 1-2 250 ( colostrum) 4
    Day 3-5 300 3
    Day 6-14 500 3
    Week 3-6 800 2
    Week 7 800 1
    Week 8 500 1

    Cut and pasting this info kind of sucks so here is the link for the website. The info is towards the bottom of the page.

    *Whenever possible though, you should not use milk replacer. If you have a dairy near you ask if you can purchase some milk. It would be better to feed either actual goat milk or cows milk. If cows milk add corn syrup. Real milk beats replacer every time! Also factor in some grain and hay for the kids to be able to browse on. They start to nibble at about a week but don’t eat much until about 4 weeks.

    February 25, 2013 at 4:55 am

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