How do the hormones injected in cows affect the milk drinker?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by Peter Liu – Kaiscapes Media
Surfing Goat Dairy, Malama Maui tour, Maui Visitors Bureau. Photography by Peter Liu (@PeterLiu47)

Question by =]]]: How do the hormones injected in cows affect the milk drinker?
when they inject hormones into dairy cows, what affect does it have on the humans that drink the milk
lol btw im a girl if that makes any difference at all, and i think milk is screwing up my reproductive system

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5 Responses to How do the hormones injected in cows affect the milk drinker?

  1. Yes, the hormones make you fatter.

    ♪ Guitarist & sk8er ♪
    February 22, 2013 at 4:35 am

  2. Something along the lines of Cancer I belive.

    But everything gives you cancer.

    February 22, 2013 at 4:39 am

  3. Yeah, it increases your estrogen, regardless of your gender. They put estrogen in cows to make them produce more milk.

    Then, you get these hormones, which make you more feminine.

    Too bad for you, girly girl.

    Mr. Helper
    February 22, 2013 at 5:02 am

  4. Yes, the hormones in milk do cause problems. The very worst problem they are causing (aside from cancers later in life) is precocious puberty. Girls are starting to have their periods at young and younger ages. Doctors are now regularly seeing little girls as young as six years of age who are starting to menstruate.

    Worst of all some of these children are still tiny little girls. I’ll explain that last sentence. Most people don’t know the time a girl starts to menstruate is actually tied to her weight, not her age. When a girl hits about 80 pounds of age her body sends out all the hormonal signals for her to start puberty, and begin to menstruate.

    Some of these girls suffering from precocious puberty are well under 80 pounds in weight. It’s far too much of a strain on their tiny bodies.

    The hormones in milk are a horrible thing, no matter what Monsanto would like us to believe.

    Hormones in milk are one of the BIG reasons I have dairy goats I milk for my families use.

    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    P.S. I forgot to state that I worked in the medical field for over 15 years.

    February 22, 2013 at 5:59 am

  5. no i don’t think that will do anything to you
    they are natural after all and so it shouldnt hurt you since it has never hurt anyone else before. If they didnt have em THEN you would be sick!

    February 22, 2013 at 6:55 am

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