What does ‘organic’ really mean?

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Join us at Warborne Farm in Lymington as we find out what exactly the organic food label really means. You’ll discover what it means for the farm workers, how the farmers keep pests at bay, manage without chemicals and produce quirky but delicious lemon cucumbers

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6 Responses to What does ‘organic’ really mean?

  1. What a joke New Zealand farming is – not one single farmer I’ve talked with support 1080 poison – in fact they have all been out raged with the use of such an indiscriminate, cruel killing poison.
    New Zealand better wake up soon, if the overseas markets no longer want our produce because of our 1080 poisoned environment, they (farmers) will not need to worry about our high dollar then.

    Watch TVwild.co.nz to see horrific evidence &check out
    1080science.co.nz for a review of the 2011 PCR report.

    February 17, 2013 at 9:41 pm

  2. if only all “organic” produce was as well produced as this

    February 17, 2013 at 9:52 pm

  3. There will be rallies throughout the U.S. on 10/16/11 to get mandatory labeling of all products containing genetically engineered/modified organisms.

    Go to “Millions Against Monsanto World Food Day 2011” on facebook, for more information.

    Go to the “organicconsumers” website to sign petitions.

    Type “Millions Against Monsanto Campaign 2011” in the youtube search

    February 17, 2013 at 10:16 pm

  4. Why wouldn’t you want to grow this way ?..Thumbs-up for Natural produce 🙂

    Budd james
    February 17, 2013 at 11:07 pm

  5. VERY cool video!
    thanx for sharing this 🙂

    kaspa starr
    February 17, 2013 at 11:28 pm

  6. COOL

    nelson torres
    February 18, 2013 at 12:15 am

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