Image by Salim Virji
Beekeeping in Alphabet City
Question by candycaylee: Will you give me information on beekeeping?
Someone i know is a beekeeper. they are willing to give me a hive and suit, thankfully, but i need to know all i can on the subject. i don’t want books or anything i need to pay for i my answers, though. What i would like are websites, pod casts, videos, anything that could help me. thanks!
Ive tried searching on the internet like that, but not anything good comes up. I am planning on asking the beekeeper, but i want to lean as much as i can outside of that.
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i just type in how to raise honey bees and a lot of wed site came up. the person that is giving you the honey bees should be able to help you when you have question about bees my husband belongs to a bee associations if you can find one in your area they will be able to help you to get started. good luck
October 26, 2011 at 5:29 am