What do you think of this idea??? I thought of this same thing myself.We do NOT need ILLEGALS here!?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by meg’s my name
Apologies for taking so long getting this out. It’s been crazy around here with my injuries from a month ago, to tons of family in town for the last few days, wrapping up an account I’ve been working on for the last 2 years and my birthday a couple days ago. Until I recover from the last 5 days of crazy, I can’t post a picture of my mug so instead you get a pic of one of my new pair of birthday shoes hanging by the recently warmed up enough for swimming times pool.

Foods you like, despise, can’t eat (allergies, etc.)
love almost all things coconut unless it’s artificial tasting; do not like coconut M&Ms because of this. also dig pretty much all chocolates, cheeses, nuts, salty and sweet combos, coffee flavored stuff, maple, toffee. and peanut butter and chocolate are one of my fave combos as well as ferrero rocher. i’m a huge fan of crunchy stuff, but don’t really care for salt and vinegar chips even though i absolutely love salt and all vinegars and crunch. anything i don’t like or can’t eat, isn’t really going to work in the mail (green bell pepper, salmon, lima beans, etc..)

Coffee vs. tea? Do you have a favorite kind?
coffee, coffee, coffee. dark, preferably iced. i love iced tea, blood orange tea, peppermint and chamomile.

Where do you live? (climate, big city/small town, etc.)
austin, tx. south austin, specifically. i love it here, but can’t imagine living anywhere else in texas. even though i despise the heat, i love this town and even love that i’m a born and raised texan. sure there are some things that aren’t great about it, but it’s the lone star state, man!

Favorite yarns / fabrics? Any yarn you want to try but haven’t yet?
i love soft wools, cottons, blends. I’m a huge cotton/whatever blend fan and i love madeline tosh everything. not really into wooly wool because of the heat and it makes me itch. also, almost anything blue sky alpacas and my favorite cotton is cascade ultra pima; i want to crochet so many things with this.

Crafty pursuits – knit, crochet, spin, sew, quilt, embroider, make friendship bracelets, any of these or others?
i love knitting the most, but go on crochet kicks and want to crochet SO many bright colorful things. i go through big embroidery phases and love seeing the final result. just found out last thursday my wrist has been broken since i dislocated my knee a few weeks ago (missed by ER doc and the first orthopedic surgeon i saw) so i can’t do any of these for a few more weeks. BAH, i’m missing it terribly.

Hobbies/pursuits/proclivities/passions (other than the aforementioned crafty ones, obvs)
i love to read modern fiction, historical fiction and light magical realism/fantasy (hunger games, the night circus). i’m on reading kick this year and i think it has to do with my kindle fire. i cook most nights of the week and dig trying new things or cooking for others. i have so much fun decorating our house and shopping at vintage stores and estate sales. i’m recently into fixing up my backyard with landscaping, decorating and all that fun stuff. and photography – even though i’ve been slacking on it lately.

What do you do in life? (job, career, school, family, etc.)
i work for the same company i’ve been with for 14 years. i’ve had about 6 jobs with them and am currently a knowledge manager / tech writer. i just moved to a new account this week so i’ve been incredibly busy wrapping up the last account i worked on for 2 years. not exactly excited about the new account, but working to get positive about it and glad i still have a good job. i work from home and live with 3 cats and the dude. no kids in our plans.

What makes you happy?
hanging with friends, making people laugh, making the dude laugh, comedies, crafts, reading, hanging by the pool, exercising (at least when i’m done anyway), good movies, my crazy kittehs, scoring good prices on my estate sale and thrift store finds, my super fab nephew, photography, flickr friends, my knittas, good food, good booze, listening to the birds in my backyard, music, music, music, growing plants successfully, all the butterflies hanging around lately, finding out i don’t need surgery on my knee and i can start exercising again (so awesome!), shoes, nautical finds, handbags, handmade jewelry, vintage inspired hair clips, swimming, entertaining, traveling, the beach, the ocean and the beach beach beach!

Into makeup? Is there anything you want to try, for example: Revlon lip butters, lip balm, a particular kind of mascara, brush, etc. (Think inexpensive- we’re obvs not swapping UD Naked Palettes here.) 😉
yes, but i’m pretty stocked up. i have 4 or so lip butters and tons of balms, but i love getting new lippies, balms, eye liners, shadows, etc… i’m a MAC addict and have been for years so most of my collection is from that line, but i’m open to ANYTHING. i’m really into Lancome and Clinique’s skin care products and love my Clairsonic – i feel like my skin has vastly improved since i switched to these recently.

Into nail polish? Any favorite brands, favorite colors, or specific shades you covet?
not really, i am too lazy to do my own nails so i go in for mani/pedis every couple weeks. i do mostly shellac manis so i just use whatever the salon has to offer.

Random favorites — colors, flavors, scents, books, movies, TV, magazines, genres, time of day, motifs (foxes, bees, squirrels, owls, beavers, mushrooms, bats), etc.

turquoise, bright blues, jewel tones, saturated colors, I really dig navy and white and have a ton of it in my wardrobe. i like sunny yellow and aqua, turquoise or grey together. scents: clean, nothing fruity or food smelling. my superhero nickname is nostrildamus meaning i have an overly sensitive smeller and get headaches and nausea from strong stuff. i currently subscribe to Real Simple and Southern Living. other suggestions welcome! movies: Moonstruck is one of my faves, i’ve seen it probably 30 times. Love Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, The Big Lebowski, The English Patient, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple, To Catch a Thief, Rear Window, Notorious (dig Hitchcock), Poltergeist (my absolute fave scary movie) and lots more, i watch a ton of documentaries as well. TV: Mad Men, The Killing, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, Treme, The Wire, Vampire Diaries, Sons of Anarchy, Girls!, Top Chef, RHoWhatver City (sad, but so true), Eastbound & Down, The Big C, Justified. motifs – anything nautical – mostly navy and white retro designs and i do love a good anchor, just not anchors with ropes and ship wheels all combined into one. not really into squirrels and mushrooms anymore. love really early mornings best, but don’t always get up in time for it. LCD Soundsystem, Gogol Bordello, Thievery Corp, Cut Copy, TV on the Radio, Gotan Project, Bajofondo, !!! (chic, chic, chic), music that makes me shake my ass, mani/pedis, massages, coconut! medium point pens, paper, notebooks, baked goods, clean scented bath stuff.

Question by illegals_r_whiners: What do you think of this idea??? I thought of this same thing myself.We do NOT need ILLEGALS here!?
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Colorado farmers could be using prison inmates
to fill void left by immigration crackdown
Associated Press
Article Launched: 03/01/2007 09:41:21 AM MST

DENVER – Colorado is considering letting prison inmates work on private farms after farmers complained that an illegal-immigration crackdown has left them short-handed, officials said.
Two vegetable farmers told prison officials and lawmakers that they need five to 20 workers and will pay up to $ 9.60 an hour _ more than they’ve paid migrant workers in the past _ but can’t find anyone to do the work.

The Pueblo Country farmers, Joe Pisciotta and Phil Prutch, said immigrant workers are afraid to come to Colorado because of its tougher immigrant laws passed last summer. Among other things, the laws require people receiving state and federal benefits to prove they are legal U.S. residents.

”They’ve just given up and gone to other states that don’t have these new laws. They just don’t want to deal with it,” Pisciotta said.

The Corrections Department program would probably start in Pueblo County, operating under the prison industries division, which already trains and employs about 1,200 inmates, department Executive


Director Ari Zavaras said.
”Depending on how well it works, we’ll see where it will go,” Zavaras said this week.

He said the program fits his and Gov. Bill Ritter’s new emphasis on reducing recidivism. Under current growth estimates, prison construction will cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars over the next five years.

Colorado’s prison industries system already has internal agricultural jobs including growing flowers, raising bees and cultivating wine grapes. Inmates also manufacture items ranging from furniture to plastic bags.

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8 Responses to What do you think of this idea??? I thought of this same thing myself.We do NOT need ILLEGALS here!?

  1. Well, duh!! We didn’t need them here anyway Einstein. It’s just that the government here in Colorado is finally making these prison slugs earn a little of their keep.

    February 3, 2013 at 8:39 am

  2. I’m all for it. Imagine if they have to actually turn to paying a living wage, instead, though. Their shrieks will be heard throughout the nation.

    February 3, 2013 at 8:49 am

  3. We never have needed the illegal aliens! Remember the massive protests last year when they were demanding their “rights” and then on May 1st they expected that their “day without an immigrant” would shut us down. Well they were so wrong.

    I can’t believe they are having another protest on May 1st. Another day of clear freeways – 75mph during rush hour on the 101!

    February 3, 2013 at 9:02 am

  4. Watch out … Some illegal advocacy group will somehow find that to be discriminatory towards illegals lol

    ferengi fighter
    February 3, 2013 at 9:05 am

  5. Pretty simple, and right on the end of our nose. I think its a great idea, especially here in CA. where we’re constantly releasing people from the jails early due to overcrowding, picking strawberry’s everyday for a month I think would deter anyone from committing petty crimes again, we could borrow some tents and razor wire from the National Guard, instant jail facility at the site, and I’ll bet they’re wont be to much need for guards, as they will be to tired to escape.

    black cloud
    February 3, 2013 at 9:38 am

  6. A country does not need illegals.

    February 3, 2013 at 9:41 am

  7. everyone complains about them being here…but the one’s that are complaining are the one’s that would’nt do any of the job’s that the immigrant’s are doing..

    February 3, 2013 at 9:43 am

  8. umm ok yeah. i’m just wondering how they will choose wich inmates are going to be working on these farms? and who will be watching them in case they feel the need to try and escape? and most importantly who will be paying for all this? and yeah i’m sure the inmates are going to be paid some amount of money for their work,unless they wish to bring back slavery.so many questions and yet so few answers.But hey if they can work out a way to do that,then they should go ahead with it.maybe it will put a stop to crime.

    Nexus K
    February 3, 2013 at 9:53 am

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