Nelson and Pade, Inc., Leaders of the Aquaponics Industry

Filed under: Videos | Rebecca Nelson and John Pade, the founders of Nelson and Pade, Inc., have an intense interest in aquaponic, organic and hydroponic culture. In consulting, teaching and publishing the Aquaponics Journal and a variety of informational products on aquaponics and hydroponics, they share experience, knowledge and information accumulated through many years of hands-on commercial aquaponic and hydroponic production and research. Aquaponics is quickly gaining popularity and with that, there are many new websites popping up offering advice, equipment and information. Beware of systems that seem too simple, too cheap or too good to be true. Although the daily operation of an aquaponic system is quite simple, aquaponics involves fairly complex biology and you need a system that accommodates this. Rather than patenting a system, Nelson and Pade, Inc. promotes sharing information because they want aquaponic growers to be successful so the industry can grow in a positive and rewarding manner. Nelson and Pade, Inc. achieves this through consulting, teaching and publishing the Aquaponics Journal, websites, books and curriculums. They have been doing so in this industry for over 20 years. For Rebecca Nelson and John Pade, aquaponics and controlled environment agriculture is not a passing fancy, it is not a get-rich quick scheme and it is not new. It is a passion and it is their life’s work.

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