Evacuated Tube Solar Collector

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Solar water heating or solar hot water is water heated by the use of solar energy. By installing Solar Water Heater can safe you up to 70% on your utility bill. Solar Water Heater System doesn’t required NO Maintains.

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4 Responses to Evacuated Tube Solar Collector

  1. omg you’re a fucken clown. “circulator” wtf is that?
    We also have a foot path, not a sidewalk.. lol

    January 23, 2013 at 3:56 pm

  2. I love listening to so called “Experts” refer to “Circulators” as “Pumps”…. They are not pumps Mr Australia….
    Before making the video, at least know what you are talking about.

    January 23, 2013 at 4:20 pm

  3. The big bad Oil corporations r trying their best to stop free energy technology from spreading to common ppl.
    We need to put an end to this corruption ,start generating ur own electricity now.
    Visit LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM and get the blueprints . Join the Revolution!!

    January 23, 2013 at 4:45 pm

  4. great stuff, I wonder if it also sufficient for the weather conditions in my country? I live in the Netherlands.

    January 23, 2013 at 4:59 pm

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