Hot peppers – in the cold-frame

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Too cold outside for the Capsicum now! So I’ve moved the remaining plants into my Citrus cold-frame to squeeze out the last of the production. They’ll stay here for the rest of this month, although I’ll probably harvest, prune, and re-pot the old Hungarian sooner. Got to make room for the Citrus eventually….

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2 Responses to Hot peppers – in the cold-frame

  1. Thanks, Sumi! Yes, indeed, I built the frame with PVC. I have another video showing the cold-frame….I’ll dig it up for you. Yeah, other than the Hungarian, the Manzano, and the Black Pearls, the rest of these are superhot. You’d only want a tiny sliver at first. These are the peppers that burn for 10 minutes, hehehe.

    January 15, 2013 at 4:28 pm

  2. Great Video Josh. Is your cold frame built using PVC? would of been nice to see what it looks like from the outside as you go inside. Maybe next time you can tell us what the spicyness ratings are for the peppers.. So when i grow some of the crazy peppers i know how much of it to sample at a time. Was watching how Raygrowtx made one of his friends eat a pepper and that guy was on fire for a good 10 mins.

    January 15, 2013 at 4:46 pm

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