Why do vegans and vegetarians avoid honey, dairy, and eggs?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Sky Witch: Why do vegans and vegetarians avoid honey, dairy, and eggs?

Sirius not all chickens are abused.
If the egg cartons say free run, grain fed then they are well taken of chickens.
Also, I believe the cows feel uncomfortable if they’re full of milk.
Sirius not all chickens are abused.
If the egg cartons say free run, grain fed then they are well taken of chickens.
Also, I believe the cows feel uncomfortable if they’re full of milk.
I do believe it’s wrong for honey sellers to keep bees in their keep without letting them live free where ever they want to be.

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9 Responses to Why do vegans and vegetarians avoid honey, dairy, and eggs?

  1. its only vegans
    and its because it comes from a suffering&abused animal

    January 15, 2013 at 2:02 am

  2. It is only vegans and some vegetarians it is because these all come from animals and vegans won’t have anything animal related not even cow’s milk.

    January 15, 2013 at 2:11 am

  3. MILK : ” Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do—to nourish their young—but calves on dairy farms are taken away from their mothers when they are just 1 day old. They are fed milk replacers (including cattle blood) so that their mothers’ milk can be sold to humans.”

    Eggs: Regardless of what the egg cartons may say, most hens raised for their eggs are subjected to cramped, filthy conditions until their egg production begins to wane—when they are about 2 years old—then they are slaughtered.

    Honey : bees undergo treatments similar to those endured by other farmed animals. They go through routine examination and handling, artificial feeding regimes, drug and pesticide treatment, genetic manipulation, artificial insemination, transportation (by air, rail and road) and slaughter.
    Queen bees are artificially inseminated with sperm obtained from decapitated bees. Queens are systematically slaughtered every two years because over time their egg producing abilities decline so their whole hive becomes unproductive and uneconomic.


    Companies want consumers to believe that products labeled “free-range” or “free-roaming” are derived from animals who spent their short lives outdoors, enjoying sunshine, fresh air, and the company of other animals. Labels—other than “organic”—on egg cartons are not subject to any government regulations, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not regulate “free-range” or “free-roaming” claims for beef products.(2)

    The USDA requires that “free-range” animals have access to outdoor areas, but there is no provision for how long they must spend or how much room they must have outside. The Associated Press reported that the USDA’s regulations don’t “require the birds to actually spend time outdoors, only to have access.”(3) Even if a farmer opened the door to a coop with thousands of birds inside and then closed it before any chickens went outside, he would still be able to use the free-range label.(4)

    collins 17
    January 15, 2013 at 2:23 am

  4. Yahoo search: honey vegan

    http://www.vegetus.org/honey/honey.htm “Why Honey Is Not Vegan”

    http://www.vegetus.org/honey/art.htm How they extract stuff from male bees in order to artificially inseminate the queen bee.

    Cows only lactate if they have had a calf recently (I believe they can go about 2 years between calves?). Depending on the quality of the milking machines and the quality of care which the individual cow receives, there can be serious bag problems (sort of like mastitis in humans). Female calves are kept and raised to be dairy cows. Male calves are sold off to become veal.

    Eggs: if you know where the chickens have been, then you know whether the eggs could have been fertilized (in which case, there would be a chick-in-progress inside the egg).

    January 15, 2013 at 2:50 am

  5. You don’t have any clue how those “free run” chickens live unless you visit the “farm” that they “live” on.

    If you don’t want cows to feel uncomfortable from being full of milk, why do you create a demand for that milk. If they stopped milking them, they would eventually stop producing milk and the pain would end, instead they are milked so that they can be in pain for a part of every day that goes by instead of never being pregnant at all or being in pain only until they stop lactating.

    If you’re drinking the cow’s milk, what do you think the calves get. Do you think that the calves get to be loved by their mothers?

    January 15, 2013 at 2:57 am

  6. Vegetarians do not avoid honey, dairy or eggs.
    Vegetarians avoid animal products such as meat or anything that has come from an animal that has been killed in the process of getting it.

    Vegans on the other hand avoid honey, dairy or eggs etc because they believe it is wrong no matter how well treated the animal was. They believe that using any animal products is a kind of slavery.

    January 15, 2013 at 3:43 am

  7. Vegans are the ones that do that. Vegetarians have the choice to keep any of those in their diet.

    January 15, 2013 at 3:58 am

  8. Only vegans avoid honey, dairy, and eggs (+meat), vegetarians only avoid meat.
    Vegans avoid all animal products because they think those products are for the animals’ babies or for the animals themselves and nobody else, it’s like stealing something from the animals.

    January 15, 2013 at 4:36 am

  9. Honey: well, I guess the bees have hard enough life without people stealing the honey they worked all year to store for winter and for their babies. Most will give them white sugar to survive the winter. Not good. Also, some say it’s bee barf, thus a product of an ‘animal’. Would be like taking milk from the cow which is meant for the baby.

    Dairy: cows only produce milk when they have a baby. In order for us to have enough milk, cows are given hormones and thus produce LOTS of milk, way more than they would normally, with causes all sorts of health problems for them. Their bodies basically wear out with all their bodily resources being diverted to milk production. Thus they are given medications etc. to try to keep them alive and ‘healthy’ long enough to milk profits from them. For me, milk is for babies, nothing else. No mammal on the planet after finished with mother’s milk will ever drink it again. Only humans do, but not human milk, but milk from other animals — disgusting and stupid.

    Eggs: chickens also do not produce all these eggs daily. They are given ‘lay pellets’, we call them here, which cause the chickens to produce more eggs. Likely the pellets contain hormones or something — I’ve never looked into it. My wife had chickens that were free to live their life however they wanted and not given pellets or anything. They would lay an egg about once a week during peak time of the year, and not at all during the winter. When they first start laying eggs, the eggs are very small, and as they get older, the eggs will become larger until they are of maturity. The largest eggs are not as near as large as the ones produced by the same breed of chicken on an egg farm. Plus the shell is much thicker and harder than the egg farm eggs. The chickens also wear out very quickly and don’t last more than two years even on an organic free range egg farm (where I once lived). My wife is from China and she says all the chickens in N. America are sick — their egg shells thin and watery inside, and the meat of the chicken tasted so bad and disgusting her family could not eat it, so they got their own chickens. She says that in China, when you buy eggs at the store, you just tie them in your handkerchief to carry them home — they are very hard and strong eggs from healthy birds. Food in China is like in Italy, they all want quality and freshness. No one would buy eggs or chickens that looked like the ones found here in N. America. Also, they never saw a white chicken or a white egg until coming to N. America. I think she mentioned that the white chickens are a poor and weak breed.

    Scocasso !
    January 15, 2013 at 5:23 am

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