Why some pro-illegal alien supporters refuse to draw a line between legal and illegal Immigration?

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Question by Queen of ♥♥♥ Maria Lopez: Why some pro-illegal alien supporters refuse to draw a line between legal and illegal Immigration?

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12 Responses to Why some pro-illegal alien supporters refuse to draw a line between legal and illegal Immigration?

  1. because they are liberal minded fools who like to think the world is a nice fluffy place where everybody is good and deserve to be treated like kings

    January 9, 2013 at 2:04 pm

  2. Because they are immigrant’s full stop,it needs to end its getting out of hand don’t you think.

    January 9, 2013 at 2:48 pm

  3. Because it is easier to demonize those who disagree with you when you can label them as racists. Anyone who is against legal immigration is an easy target because of the xenophobia involved with such a position. The illegal immigration advocates in this country are among the most morally bankrupt and dishonest people I have ever seen in any debate. They do not want honest discussion because they have no hope of winning. Illegal is illegal period and cannot be defended on any grounds.

    January 9, 2013 at 3:16 pm

  4. They think it will fool us into thinking illegals are legal.

    They are gearing up for another amnesty – the propaganda will be flying!

    Ida Slapter
    January 9, 2013 at 4:12 pm

  5. i am assuming the question is more asking, why do people like me support immigration.

    because for the same reason you are here, we believe that everyone deserves to have a chance. I actually watched a show the other day about illegal immigration. Here are some interesting facts.

    *this is before our economy crashed

    every year there are 500,000 more illegal immigrants.
    Even though there are that many more, the umemployement rate never increased at all, even in the areas that were most significant hit by the illegal immigrants.
    Everyone here (except native-americans) migrated here from another country. So if you love your country, why can’t they love it too?

    Illegal immigrants do not cause higher crime, as most are afraid of being sent back.

    Building the fences to keep illegals out costs 60 billion dollars for 700 miles of fence, to which it takes about 5 minutes to break through.

    I’m all for immigrants, if they want to try their luck in the american task force, all it means is that americans are going to have to be better, and from what most americans say, that shouldn’t be too hard.

    Besides, with now technology is happening, i personally have to fight for my job with people who are in different countries. So while you might justify keeping immigrants out as keeping american jobs, me as a software engineer has to keep up with india, japan, korea, and there is no way we can force the world to only hire americans.

    and lastly, if we went to a sales tax instead of income tax, we would be able to tax everyone, legal or illegal, as regardless they will be buying things.

    January 9, 2013 at 5:06 pm

  6. Such a dangerous topic for politicians. Say one word against immigration and watch the votes go out the window. Good way to ruin things around here.

    January 9, 2013 at 5:46 pm

  7. Because they will say anything to make it sound like illegals are the innocent people. They make up up lame and false stories; for example “we do jobs that Americans refuse to do” and “we pay taxes” and “we help the American economy.”

    Luckily, Americans know not to believe these stories. Just wish our government followed!

    January 9, 2013 at 6:03 pm

  8. They are not mature enough to look at the complete picture.
    They have a very high income and don’t believe it effects them.
    They do not interact with illegals and don’t see the effects.
    They’re job is not in jeopardy to an illegal.
    They are an employer who uses illegals to greatly boost their profit, or a person who uses an illegal to live above their lifestyle.

    January 9, 2013 at 6:46 pm

  9. Can you give us examples? or is it merely your “opinion”…..and elaborate on your question.

    One FACT about both is that BOTH contribute a whole lot more then you think.

    Contributions of Immigrants to the United States (legal & illegal)

    Most of the 32 million immigrants are Hispanic with Asians as the second largest cohort. In a report published by the CEA, or Council of Economic Advisers, immigrants were found to positively contribute to the U.S. economy. The data indicate that immigrants contribute more than $ 30 billion in income for American workers (U.S. born). In terms of innovation per capita, immigrants in the U.S. beat the U.S. born workers.

    Other reports indicate that immigrants had a lower probability of ending up in prison and committing crimes, as compared to individuals born in the US. The CEA report also found that immigrant workers in the United States yield a greater output. Immigrants play a role in the country’s macroeconomic growth and their taxes help increase public budgets.

    January 9, 2013 at 6:53 pm

  10. Because they are trying to brainwash us all to accept ILLEGALS as regular immigrants.Next they will-or already are-playing guilt/responsibility trip, by laying responsibility of raising their illegitimate children on all our consciences…It is psychological mind game and it works, make no mistake, it worked with Hitler when he “hypnotized” the whole German nation by his repetitive speeches. And it works today as used by pro illegal media.

    Going Hollywood.
    January 9, 2013 at 7:15 pm

  11. I have never seen that. Are you sure ?

    Don Camilo
    January 9, 2013 at 7:38 pm

  12. You are the child that leads their friends to a beehive and pokes a stick into the bees home to to anger them and amuse yourself with the bees and your friends reactions.
    I try not to draw a line between illegal and legal just as I try not to draw lines between men and women still there are lines I try not to draw between black and white or day and night.
    You see I was raised where and when a woman was thought to live only to serve her man needs first, when being white was thought of as to be better than but times and thinking were changing.
    When would you rather be a carnival with the rides , games, food, lights and sounds? At night when most of the sparkle and attractions call out to you or during the day when most people are working and the lights and sounds are diminished by the lights of day.Anyone of these have benefits in them just as they also have detriments.
    I find it impossible to think of any one thing, being or matter that has only one side to it. Call out one thing that is only good and others will find bad in it. So why would I try to do so with illegal and legal immigration only?
    Why do you ask this question that openly accuses one side of refusing when the same side has similar thoughts of refusal from the other? I have seen posters here say that you stand for both sides. I do too but I do not stand on one side to encourage the others to come to argue and when they show I do not switch sides for laughter or for childish pleasures.

    Chief Whachusa
    January 9, 2013 at 8:29 pm

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