what happens when i boil chicken?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by -Jeffrey-
The Delaware Agricultural Museum Association was formed by a group of people dedicated to preserving the agricultural heritage of Delaware and the Delmarva Peninsula. The Museum opened its doors to the public in August 1980. A main exhibit building and fifteen historic structures associated with a nineteenth century farming community bring the fascinating story of agriculture to life. More than 4,000 artifacts are displayed in the main exhibit building – from butter churns to threshers, from an eighteenth century log house to the first broiler chicken house.

From the Delaware Agriculture Museum website

Question by Angie V: what happens when i boil chicken?
i know this is a dumb question. when i boil a piece of chicken i only add salt, when its boiling i see oils coming out, am i getting rid of some of that fat in the chicken by doing that? or everything is the same? what changes when i do this? thank you
am i gettin rid of some the calories too?
i knw the juice n water i feed it to my 3 dogs, thats the way i like chicken but i was just wondering because im tryin to lose 5 lbs n im almost there 😀 thank y all for ur answers!

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5 Responses to what happens when i boil chicken?

  1. it cooks

    January 5, 2013 at 11:20 am

  2. Yes, much of the fat will come out. It will go into the water. You can see it if you let it cool for a while as it will solidify. A whole layer will be formed and you can scrape it of then use the broth. If you had baked or fried the chicken instead it would just sit in the fat gross! Boil is very healthy way to cook chicken.

    You can also use the fat for flavoring, feed it to the birds outside or add tiny bit to pet’s food.

    I boiled chicken last night(with the skin) and then seasoned it and put it under the broiler until golden brown. Taste just like baked chicken, but SO moist and much better flavor. So tasty. I also boil it in water with dry soup mixed in for even more flavor and instant soup!
    Try not to waste the fat and broth. Use it in recipes such as rice.
    Best wishes!

    Rick Shaw
    January 5, 2013 at 11:30 am

  3. You’re basically getting rid of all of the flavor. Baking chicken is so much better! I place a slotted cooling rack on a cookie sheet, put the chicken on the sheet, and then drizzle it with olive oil and sprinkle on some salt and pepper. It’s much easier and more flavorful. As far as what you see coming out of the chicken, it’s all of the juices, flavor, germs, oils, other liquids… basically everything but the actual meat.

    January 5, 2013 at 12:10 pm

  4. Any time you apply any type of heat to a protein, fat will begin to render as a result. You are merely releasing fat into the water…(also the idea behind making stocks)

    January 5, 2013 at 12:20 pm

  5. Its juices and fat. Set it overnight in fridge, and all fat will float to top.Just spoon it out.

    Kym the man
    January 5, 2013 at 1:00 pm

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