Should the ACCC investigate the Australian Federal Governments takeover of a regional hospital?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by yewenyi
I had about 45 minutes to wait for my tour to depart from the Ambassador Hotel. So I wandered around the Dong Dae Guk Area and took tome photos.

Korea Seoul Dongguk 20061011 IMG_7717.jpg

Question by John B: Should the ACCC investigate the Australian Federal Governments takeover of a regional hospital?
The Federal Government has taken the unprecedented step of offering support for an individual Regional Hospital in a critical marginal election.

We may not be as qualified as the Federal Treasurer, and his election campaign staff, but we can smell abuse of public funds as well as any reasonable man.

It would take $ 200 mil AUD to provide decent housing, a job, education and healthcare for every indigenous man, woman and child in the Northern Territory, and the top end of Australia. Yet the government has opted to spend $ 600 mil on providing a contract for solar hot water heaters to manufacturing companies so that our well-fed children have hot water to wash their hands with after a piss. And a further $ 600 mil will be spent rennovating the Sydney Opera House.

If that represents the epogy of Liberal Parth wisdom during a pre-election campaign, then perhaps it would be prudent to look for more down-to-earth leaders for our nation.

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One Response to Should the ACCC investigate the Australian Federal Governments takeover of a regional hospital?

  1. I have no comment to make or answer to suggest. Because, I totally agree with you and think that you have raised some good questions and made some good points.

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    Howard has to lose the next election!

    December 27, 2012 at 12:25 am

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