Is the VEGAN world possible in near future?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Karen Roe
The BT Artbox Story
The good old British phone box was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott to commemorate King
George V’s Silver Jubilee.
This year we’ve got a Diamond Jubilee and London 2012 to look forward to, so we decided we needed to do something to celebrate.
That something turned into BT ArtBox. It’s a campaign that thrives on the nation’s artistic talent.
Across London’s streets you’ll find replicas of the Gilbert Scott phone box, transformed by the
imaginations of some of our very best creative minds.
Then later on we’ll be auctioning all the boxes off to raise money for ChildLine’s 25th anniversary.

“The Poetry of Life”
Artist: The DnA Factory
Location: Old Spitalfield’s Market

This sweet scent of memory,
green hills and pleasant seems
the cool dew in distant dreams of birdsong,
nostalgia bathes the scene,
And my heart belongs to thee.

Within this soft and satin world
these tears will dry and leave no stain,
as rain implores the sun
to kiss your hair, your face and hands
a feather’s touch upon the skin.

Of diamond edge and gilt refrain
a pledge of life and love,
to the follower of dusty trails
across the sea, the land, the sky
the Seeker seeks and so will Find.

Mighty as the Queen of Bees
gold dust heavy on silver wings
a diamond hard, will cut it seems
fair and foul and fair again
uphold the laws of majesty.

We journey long, as far as eyes can see
beyond which, time is light and air
all full to brimming through Englands green,
rose tint in the mirror sheen
romance the fire and melody.

Of suns rise and sets full
moons and stars all things forgot
just look beyond the here and now
the dream is all, safe and warm
in hope, for peace and charity of soul.

For here is Life and Love and All You Ever Dreamed Of.

Question by Vegan: Is the VEGAN world possible in near future?
Do you care about animals?
Do you care about the environment?
Do you care about other people?
What about your family’s health?
If the answer to any (or hopefully all)
of these questions is ‘YES’ then we will ask another question from you.
Thanks for keep answering! But who thinks that its impossible then please read it ” Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, The word IMPOSSIBLE also says I M POSSIBLE.”

After that did you nigative answeres read on the nutrition dite facts on the ? I am a vegan from 20 years and eating every vegitable and fruits and I am most healthy boy of my nonvegan community I am the only boy in my family who is Vegan. I never going to docter and I have more power and muscles to fight to bad people and save to weakest and good people.
Did you know the world always be changing?

The new studies are you ignoring?


Thats bad! Contact on the vegansociety and to clear all your doubghts. Become vegan and feel the holyness and power of the God. Go vegan!!!!

We are not omnivorus its our mistake. Only fat will be absorbed in meat in human digestion.

And if you eat anything for three week you dont be able to avoid it.

this law works on good and bad both habites.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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23 Responses to Is the VEGAN world possible in near future?

  1. haha! i hope not!! i LOVE steak! yum yum!

    December 19, 2012 at 11:30 pm

  2. Dream on!

    Vickey S
    December 19, 2012 at 11:55 pm

  3. vegan no, but more and more will join the vegetarian world with all this food trouble.

    scott f
    December 20, 2012 at 12:48 am

  4. What makes a vegan diet healthy? There is a substantial lack of protein in the typical vegan diet along with many other nutrients. Why are there so many foods for vegans that try to imitate the foods they are against? Soy milk, veggieburgers, etc.

    December 20, 2012 at 12:48 am

  5. Not as long as I like myself and like to please myself…urr umm
    by eating Steak ofcourse!!!!!!!!


    December 20, 2012 at 12:50 am

  6. the answer to this controversy is the
    FOOD CHAIN . is the way that mother nature is that is the natural order of things, so I don’t think that it will ever happen.

    December 20, 2012 at 1:03 am

  7. yes of course

    j u s t i n
    December 20, 2012 at 1:27 am

  8. uhhhh, no. animals breed too fast, and they are yummy, and a source of protein, which wards off anemia (red meat). darn hippie!

    December 20, 2012 at 2:10 am

  9. well, probably not the near future. too many people eat meat. but you don’t have to understand, just respect that others eat meat for a reason. it’s healthy and if they didn’t eat the animals, the population would go up and the animals would die anyway. only they would die a longer death of starvation because there won’t be enough food. being vegetarian or vegan is nice, but meat is ok to eat too. and don’t use the4 comeback”it’s like eating a friend” or something like that because it isn’t.

    Danni M
    December 20, 2012 at 2:16 am

  10. I love animals, the environment, other people, and in particular, my family…I care and am concerned about all of the above.

    However, the fact of the matter is that humans are omnivores. That translates directly to “all eaters”…we are designed and intended to eat many different types of foods. We need various nutrients that can only be offered by eating a little bit of everything (and no, there is no vitamin pill that can give us all of these). A vegan world will never happen…But I certainly wish you happiness in pursuing your vegan lifestyle.

    December 20, 2012 at 2:20 am

  11. I hope not. The Vegans I know do NOT look like they are very healthy at all. They look rather frail, pale, and sickly, and I don’t bellieve this way of life is healthy, or necessarily the way we as human beings are supposed to sustain ourselves. I do care about animals. I do care about the environment. Other people I do care about. My family’s health includes a well-rounded meal, to include animals, living plants, and other nourishments. My kids eat what I eat. When they are adults, they can choose a lifestyle they can afford.

    NuuBee Ann
    December 20, 2012 at 2:30 am

  12. Society as a whole would have to shift to a higher state of consciousness. Judging by how many people see war as a necessary measure of solving one’s problems, I doubt it will happen in this lifetime or the next.

    I take a more personal conscious stance in not consuming meat other than for health reasons. Health, either for it or against it, is missing the bigger point.

    December 20, 2012 at 3:27 am

  13. yes and im already a vegetarian.

    December 20, 2012 at 4:01 am

  14. I like meat, to not eat meat seems kinds of pointless, we are supposed to eat meat. But if it is a personal preference that is just fine. What I really want for the future is unprocessed meat, meat that isn’t tortured or mass produced, and food without chemicals or additives. I hope organic foods get cheaper so everyone can eat them! I think the organic world should be near in the future.

    December 20, 2012 at 4:58 am

  15. I care about animals and health, but I don’t see how caring about those things makes eating a cheeseburger wrong.
    So, no, I don’t see that happening.

    December 20, 2012 at 5:18 am

  16. Only if all the meat eaters were sent to another world or if we vegetarians and vegans got together and divided the world into2 worlds one for Vegans and the other for meat eaters. Let the meat eaters have a smaller size world cause they don’t let animals live. Vegans need a larger size planet than meat eaters cause more animals would live in a Vegan world than a meat world!
    I’m a vegetarian but near vegan! I eat the occasionally eggs and drink dairy milk when it’s cheaper than non-dairy milk.. Currently non-dairy milk comes out cheaper! Eggs are now too expensive now to eat them more than 3x a month.
    Eggs aren’t necessary.. but they taste good!
    So Yes a vegan world could be possible!

    December 20, 2012 at 6:14 am

  17. The only reason why I don’t think it would work is because people are selfish and not ready to listen or give up things. It goes for a lot of things in America.

    December 20, 2012 at 6:21 am

  18. 1.) Yes
    2.) Yes
    3.) Yes
    4.) Yes
    I don’t know how near the vegan future is but it is coming closer and there will be hopefully soon be a time when it gets hard to find meat in stores and hopefully the burger places will disappear (McDonald’s, Whataburger, Burgerkind). There is no hygene and there is so much unhealthy stuff in the burgers people should know about.

    December 20, 2012 at 7:11 am

  19. yes i care about animals,yes i care about the inviroment,yes i care about other people,my families health is good,

    Sarah M
    December 20, 2012 at 7:58 am

  20. Richmond, VA
    According to, fully 80% of all fruits and vegetables appearing in American grocery stores and markets are pollinated by CAPTIVE BEES. The philosophy of Veganism prohibits the ingestion or use of ANY product that is made from animal (including insects) flesh or is the result of animals being held captive in order to gather products at their expense.

    Of course all meat products are Non-vegan. Products such as honey, milk and eggs are also considered non-vegan, and now in light of the widespread use of CAPTIVE BEES in all facets of fruit, vegetable and soy bean production, those products are now declared to be non-vegan.

    The TRUE Vegan’s diet may now consist of ONLY grains, rice(which do not use bee pollination) and water. No other fruit or vegetables will be allowed unless the grower is certified to be using wild bees exclusively in crop pollination.

    December 20, 2012 at 8:10 am

  21. newsgirlinos2, you have really misunderstood the meaning of veganism. It is not about perfection, it’s about compassion and reducing the suffering as much as humanly possible. Your explanation about bees is disturbingly wrong. I wonder where you get all that information and what is your reasoning?

    And to answer the original question, a completely vegan world is fully possible, not in our lifetime though unless all meat eaters stop being ignorant. But we can see from history that ignorance dies hard and slow. Although it *does* die.

    Most of us vegans who decide to have kids one day, will raise them vegan. Most of them will remain vegan as adults, and in turn have vegan children. This way veganism is definitely going to spread. Also to remember, most of vegans today, (like moi) are ex- meat eaters. So it is possible for people to open their minds and change their ways.

    Also, Internet makes it possible for people to see and share information that wasnt manipulated by the meat industry. We dont depend on local versions of “the truth” anymore, where tv ads tell us what’s best for us. We’ll see even more of that independence from the collective mind, in the future. Once an ideal is born it cant be destroyed.

    December 20, 2012 at 8:14 am

  22. Animals were created to be eaten by humans (most of them). Each person is on their own in this world. The environment cannot be totally controlled, its suppose to be this way. My family is on their own. Being a vegan now, you’ll pay for it when you get older in your ’60s. Veggies were not created to be eaten all the time, only as part of a balanced diet. Fruits are evil, look what fruit did to Adam & all mankind in the Garden of Eden. Life is too short to worry about dying.

    December 20, 2012 at 8:26 am

  23. I’m not sure if it is in the near future or a fully vegan world would be possible.

    Many people do not wish to do things that may make them actually get up and do something.

    I’m vegan and I know the spread of the idea of veganism is spreading and I think it’s for the better.

    Veganism is such a better alternative to what we’re doing right now.

    A retort to most of the arguments against the rise of veganism:
    – I’m vegan and I’ve always been healthy. I do not suffer at all from a lack of protein or anemia or any other physical ailment from lacking a balanced diet. Those who do veganism right are far more healthy then a person whom is not. Veganism decreases the risk of heart disease and cancer by 50%. It also has a lot less cholesteral in it then a meat eating diet.

    – We were not meant to eat animals, Otherwise why would we get cholesteral? A true meat-eater does not have an ounce of cholesteral from eating other animals.

    – The practices in which animals are killed is wrong and the things which they do is unforgivable. There is no reason at all to treat another living creature the way that factory farms do. NO REASON AT ALL.

    – The effects that factory farms and other means of garnering meat hurts the enviroment, and it is the leading cause of the detiriation of the O-Zone layer.

    I see a more vegan-friendly world coming in the future, we’ve already made huge steps since the idea really started spreading again in the 20th century. The idea is spreading and I believe for a greater good.

    Check out the source, It’s very well written and I’ve checked all the facts. I wish it weren’t, but it’s all true.

    Ravyn M
    December 20, 2012 at 8:45 am

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