Do u think the media cause kids to have sex at an early age or the lack of parental supervision?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Karen Roe
The BT Artbox Story
The good old British phone box was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott to commemorate King
George V’s Silver Jubilee.
This year we’ve got a Diamond Jubilee and London 2012 to look forward to, so we decided we needed to do something to celebrate.
That something turned into BT ArtBox. It’s a campaign that thrives on the nation’s artistic talent.
Across London’s streets you’ll find replicas of the Gilbert Scott phone box, transformed by the
imaginations of some of our very best creative minds.
Then later on we’ll be auctioning all the boxes off to raise money for ChildLine’s 25th anniversary.

“The Poetry of Life”
Artist: The DnA Factory
Location: Old Spitalfield’s Market

This sweet scent of memory,
green hills and pleasant seems
the cool dew in distant dreams of birdsong,
nostalgia bathes the scene,
And my heart belongs to thee.

Within this soft and satin world
these tears will dry and leave no stain,
as rain implores the sun
to kiss your hair, your face and hands
a feather’s touch upon the skin.

Of diamond edge and gilt refrain
a pledge of life and love,
to the follower of dusty trails
across the sea, the land, the sky
the Seeker seeks and so will Find.

Mighty as the Queen of Bees
gold dust heavy on silver wings
a diamond hard, will cut it seems
fair and foul and fair again
uphold the laws of majesty.

We journey long, as far as eyes can see
beyond which, time is light and air
all full to brimming through Englands green,
rose tint in the mirror sheen
romance the fire and melody.

Of suns rise and sets full
moons and stars all things forgot
just look beyond the here and now
the dream is all, safe and warm
in hope, for peace and charity of soul.

For here is Life and Love and All You Ever Dreamed Of.

Question by Melissa B: Do u think the media cause kids to have sex at an early age or the lack of parental supervision?
With a dozen boys trying to sexually assualt one girl in St. Louis, a debate came across the teachers. Is the entertainment industry at fault? Or is it because the parents are too afraid to talk to their children about the birds and the bees at a young age? And if they are afraid to talk to them about the issue, why? Just trying to figure out parents now a days.

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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14 Responses to Do u think the media cause kids to have sex at an early age or the lack of parental supervision?

  1. I do believe that sex is portrayed a little too much on daytime and primetime television nowadays..however, it is up to the parents to talk to their kids about. Many parents believe (in my opinion) that if they don’t talk about it, their kids won’t do it-but that is wrong! I am a product of a family who didn’t talk about sex and I got pregnant at 16 because I didn’t know how to protect myself, I couldn’t go to my parents when I thought I was ready at 14 and I didn’t really know all of the consequences… Now, my 7 year old asks me about sex and I try to answer the best I can according to his age.. But, I don’t tell him it’s dirty or not to talk about it. Parents need to realize that kids are hearing things at school, seeing things on tv and learning at a much younger age and that they really need to be proactive in raising their children to make good choices in their lives instead of just “sweeping it under the rug” and hoping it will never happen to them!

    December 17, 2012 at 4:58 am

  2. I say its both because since the parents don’t talk about it they get it from some where else like tv.T.V. is telling them the wrong thing and parents don’t try and correct it to there is a problem like there child getting pregnant or have an std.I say if u teach them at home then they don’t have to go somewhere else to find out about it.

    December 17, 2012 at 5:33 am

  3. both are at fault- parents let kids watch TV- what do they think will happen?! I dont own one and my life is much more wholesome without it.

    December 17, 2012 at 5:34 am

  4. It could be any number of things it’s easy to put the blame on someone else sometimes things happen and there is no control over it but also I think there is too much sexiness on tv aimed at youngsters. Parents also don’t want to talk with their children because they think they are too young but they need parents talk to your kids.

    December 17, 2012 at 5:51 am

  5. My opinion being in my early 20’s, I dont think that my parents had anything to do with my decisions. They were very involved in my life, but that is something you choose on your own. And just because parents talk and say no doesnt mean you cant do it. As an example, boys not allowed in your room ( there are other ways ) it is very hard to stop. I think informing them is good, that should continue. I really honestly think that the media is just so pushy and now there is no stopping it. Everything is so open. Its amazing too watching these young girls, how they dress or how they act at the under age clubs. I would never think any of that was right when I was in highschool or want to be portrayed that way. But its happening. I think the media is a huge thing to blame personally.

    December 17, 2012 at 6:09 am

  6. Totally a combination of the two. Media shows women being victims(rape, abuse, etc) all the time. Some of that stuff makes us aware but most is just overkill and desensitizes us as a population.
    The primary thing is parental influence though. Parents say their kids don’t listen, well how much time did you spend with them as they grew up? Is the kid reflecting their parents attitudes? Maybe some of the boys were trying to fit in….pathetic excuse by the way. Maybe the leaders are expressing how their fathers/male influence treats the females in their house or how that man talks about women. Situations can be so different their is no blanket answer for these problems.

    December 17, 2012 at 6:46 am

  7. I think a lot of the blame should fall on the entertainment industry. Everywhere you look there is a half naked man or woman on a billboard, magazine or TV screen. “Sex sells” is their motto and I think it is giving the wrong impression to the young people of today. During the nineteen fifties you weren’t allowed to say pregnant on television. Parents should fight to have television and marketing cleaned up. I think its a shame we have to talk to our children at an early age about sex. I feel like it robs them of the innocents they deserve. Sex is part of an everyday adult life not that of a child.

    I try to control everything that is watched at my house but I can’t be around my future stepson 24-7. If entertainment and ad companies weren’t given such a loose leash, our young children wouldn’t know more than they needed to about sex.

    December 17, 2012 at 7:02 am

  8. Parents talk all the time now to their kids about sex. Schools promote sex by giving out condoms. They show videos to kids at an early age that they are not able to handle the information. Too much emphasis and pressure is put on kids to “put out” and the old line “you don’t love me if you don’t” has the same affect on girls as it ever has in the past. Sex has been so long flaunted by the entertainment industry that to be popular, rich, loved by all (literally), etc., you have to have sex.

    Bottom line, kids have sex because they don’t see the ramifications of their actions.

    December 17, 2012 at 7:25 am

  9. I really believe that both play a part in it but more the fact that parents aren’t allowed to be parents anymore. Heaven forbid that I teach my child right from wrong anymore!

    I’m not afraid of talking to my child about anything and I’m not afraid to use rear end psychology when needed anymore either but with the ways so many of the family services and departments of child protective services have gotten, if someone actually saw me do that who doesn’t believe that a child should be spanked or reprimanded by more than a time out, then I have to worry about being reported for child abuse! When it comes down to it, I think more people need to butt out of how parents are raising their children and allow us to be parents. I really don’t want to have to identify my child in the morgue or bail them out of jail because I wasn’t allowed to be a parent.

    Oh, get this! In our house, television and video games are limited, during the school year they get an hour of either one. Our 11-year-old had a friend over the other day who wanted to watch a certain program on tv. My son asked if that was ok and I told him that was his decision but that it would be considered part of his tv allotment from that day. His friend told him that he was living in a concetrations camp and that he should report us for child abuse!

    December 17, 2012 at 8:08 am

  10. I’m a firm believer it is the pure fact that parents aren’t around enough in their child(ren)’s lives. I work in a VERY urban area and many of the kids at age 12 are experimenting with sex. Yes, the TV/media is always present in their households, but many of their homes consist of single mother homes where she is working all day. It’s sad.

    December 17, 2012 at 8:41 am

  11. It’s a little of both. As a parent I find it very hard to instill good morals and conduct in my 2 teenage sons. They see and hear things in the entertainment industry and from their friends. It becomes a battle to get them to do what’s right and use their own god-given brains. It also doesn’t help that juvenile criminals are given such soft sentences. The judicial system today doesn’t hold young people accountable for their actions and often send out-of-control teens home to their parents. The parents often can’t do anything with these kids and have no backup from the judicial system.

    December 17, 2012 at 9:16 am

  12. MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA it is almost repulsive we are a sex obsessed society

    amanda b
    December 17, 2012 at 9:28 am

  13. yes ,kids now days watch too much tv

    me 4jesus
    December 17, 2012 at 10:00 am

  14. yes, to both. I think media glamorizes and encourages them and the non-existent and non-caring parents make it easier for it to happen.

    December 17, 2012 at 10:00 am

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