Which breed of chicken would be best for my backyard?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by zbartrout

Question by DB: Which breed of chicken would be best for my backyard?
I live in the northwest, the winters are wet and mild, with few freezing spells or snow. I want a breed that is not as likely to fly away as I have read some smaller bantam breeds may. The main purpose for my chickens will be egg production.

I only plan on getting 3 to 4 hens depending on their full grown size based on my yard size. I will not be getting a rooster.
I should have said my fence is about 4 feet high at the lowest point. Maybe a little higher.

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4 Responses to Which breed of chicken would be best for my backyard?

  1. look into Delaware chickens,or if you dont get alot of mud,Light Brahmas,they are both very docile breeds,and get along well,theyre mostly too large of breeds to be able to cause trouble and escape,however keep away from leghorns,they are very loud and flighty and are able to jump well.

    Real Deal CowGirl
    December 8, 2012 at 12:47 am

  2. Kentucky Fried

    December 8, 2012 at 1:12 am

  3. Well, i have bantams and they are all wonderful little birds. None of them have ever flown farther than a couple feet, they are all kinda fat, and they are mostly good with the cold. You need to get a breed that is especially good with the cold, some hatcheries have info about each breed that includes egg production, character, and heartiness. I don’t have any specific breed names for you because I’m not an expert in the heavy breeds.During the cold spells, you should have plenty of heat lamps, so none of the hens are forced out in the cold (and i have found that in the winter with the shorter days, the constant light helps their egg production, don’t know why…) And second, you need to keep them out of the wet, they don’t like it. Well, hope that helps!

    December 8, 2012 at 2:07 am

  4. Orpingtons are nice- they’ve got a thick coat of feathers to help them through the cold, and egg production is pretty good too, about an egg every two days. They’re friendly as well, which is a plus. 🙂

    Yorkshire Duck
    December 8, 2012 at 2:20 am

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