Is it ok to feed raw corn to wild ducks?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by Vermont Historical Society

Question by ahughes1000: Is it ok to feed raw corn to wild ducks?
I bought a massive bag of corn to feed my chickens but i’ve since discovered that it’s the wrong food for them. I was going to get rid of the corn by feeding the wild birds in my garden but just wondered if i could feed the wild ducks with it too. I’m not sure it’ll be very good for them.
Any advice would be appreciated 😀 x
No comments about eating the chickens or ducks please!

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7 Responses to Is it ok to feed raw corn to wild ducks?

  1. **BaD-gAl-SaFfY-iN-dA-hOuSe**
    November 29, 2012 at 6:56 pm

  2. no! if you feed them the corn they will die. it will go in thiers bodies and then they will not be able to poop it out. And by the way i love to eat ducks and chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    November 29, 2012 at 7:04 pm

  3. No. it’s the wrong kind of food and they will not be able to digest it, neither will the wild birds.
    Bin it.

    Cornish Granny
    November 29, 2012 at 7:04 pm

  4. You could throw a handful of corn on the ground as it is ok for chickens if only a little and it isn’t the only feed. The same will apply to the ducks and to the wild birds also. If you add wild bird seed mix to the corn you will be giving a variety of food which is good for all.

    Charles D. M.
    November 29, 2012 at 8:02 pm

  5. No, raw corn is not good for them. It makes them too fat!

    November 29, 2012 at 8:27 pm

  6. Well, it won’t kill them. I had pet ducks and they loved cracked corn. Whole corn, however, is harder for them to digest so I don’t recommend it.

    I also don’t really advise feeding wild ducks because it is detrimental to the environment. It can mess with their migratory instinct and they may end up crowding around your house all the time, building up wastes and becoming unhealthy (because they won’t bother to search for their natural foods if they know they can easily get some from a person).

    November 29, 2012 at 9:09 pm

  7. Who told you it was wrong to feed your chickens on corn?? Who ever told you they don’t know what they are talking about ,
    Corn is Ideal for both Chickens and Ducks.’

    Most poultry feeds are made up of Corn in some form or another,(cracked ,crushed,etc.)

    The only place where you do not feed poultry whole corn is in battery cages as they do not have access to much grit which is an essential part of a chicken or duck digestive system.

    Feed it to both they will appreciate it.

    November 29, 2012 at 9:49 pm

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