Any ideas on what to feed my 2 year old son?

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Image by Vermont Historical Society

Question by narcoleptic llama: Any ideas on what to feed my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and Im running out of ideas on what to make him. He gets tired of the same stuff and I guess I have no imagination. I feed him chicken and apples bannanas, and all kinds of stuff but need some more ideas that are quick and easy. If anyone has any ideas please tell me

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7 Responses to Any ideas on what to feed my 2 year old son?

  1. the only things that are not suggested to feed a child 3 and younger is peanuts, grapes, and honey everything else is fine just cut it into pieces that he can eat

    Tiffany N
    November 22, 2012 at 10:41 am

  2. Gerber…

    Thomas F
    November 22, 2012 at 10:51 am

  3. Good old peanut butter and jelly is always a good fallback. We’ve been on a grilled cheese kick around here; quick easy to make for my 2 year old son while holding his 2 month old sister in my other arm *grin* If i want t spice it up I add some sliced tomato, or some turkey lunch meat. Soups are good too, or oatmeal or cereal. Another favorite of ours is cottage cheese with peaches. A couple more ideas are stir fry, (Just pop some frozen peas, corn, and or green beans, and whatever fresh veggies you have in a skillet with some olive oil and soy sauce, and serve with rice) man’n’cheese, quessidillas (add some lime juice and chili powder for a nice kick) applesauce, and salad wraps (tortillas wrapped up like a burrito but stuffed with lettuce, shredded cheese, and sliced turkey or chicken, salt and pepper and olive oil). Oh, one more that my son loves, a turkey sandwich with lettuce, very thin apple slices, and mayo (the apple gives a real nice sweetness) Bon appetite!

    November 22, 2012 at 11:42 am

  4. My son loves fish sticks, grilled cheese and tuna sandwiches (with the crusts cut off), cherry tomatoes, potato wedges that you bake (no trans fats like regular fries), yogurt, macaroni and cheese with broccoli in it, veggie pizza, etc.

    Lovely Lori
    November 22, 2012 at 11:57 am

  5. I am a preschool and kindergarten teacher, we are constantly talking about this at our school. Ideas we have come up with include
    pita and hummus (they love it!!)
    vanilla yogurt and frozen fruit with granola
    any veggies with ranch dip or hummus
    oatmeal (I like to put a few like 4 choc. chips in it)
    any type of smoothie
    red, green, yellow peppers are a huge hit!
    baked potatoes

    I have a great cook book for children called better than peanut butter and jelly by marty mattare and wendy muldawer. It is kind of “granola” but it has some really great ideas for something different to try.

    November 22, 2012 at 12:28 pm

  6. Whatever you eat

    November 22, 2012 at 12:54 pm

  7. A 2 year old can eat what ever you eat..just in smaller pieces.

    November 22, 2012 at 1:16 pm

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