How do you make turkey steaks?

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raising turkeys
Image by Queen Esoterica
As they were raising the flag, they communicated via whistling, as the muhtar is doing here…

Question by Brynn: How do you make turkey steaks?
I bought some italian breading at the store and I’d like to make the turkey steaks tonight-can anyone give me some directions or recipes? Thanks so much! 😀

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2 Responses to How do you make turkey steaks?


    Arrange following ingrads.

    1 1/2 lbs. turkey breast steaks, 3/4 to 1 inch thick
    1/2 c. soy sauce
    1/4 c. oil
    2 tsp. sugar
    1 tsp. ginger
    1 tsp. ground mustard
    2 cloves garlic, minced or 1/8 tsp. garlic powder

    Marinade yields 3/4 cup and also good for kabobs and stir-fry.
    Combine soy sauce, oil, sugar, ginger, ground mustard and garlic and mix well. Pour over steaks, turning to coat both sides. Marinate in refrigerator up to 24 hours. Turn steaks in marinate several times.

    Grill drained turkey steaks over medium hot coals for 8 to 10 minutes per side, basting a couple of times each side. Steaks are done when there is no pink inside.
    It is to Serves 4 people

    November 15, 2012 at 2:55 am

  2. Here is my suggestion:
    Lay the breasts on a chopping board or an area on the kitchen work top then use a sharp carving knife. Place the knife in the middle of the breast and start cutting like you are going to half the breast but only cut 3/4 and stop. Unfold what you have just cut and it shud look like a Butterfly shape. This is to help the stake cook quick and look like real restaurant ppreparedstake. Next thing you do is if you have a stake meat hummer or what ever you call it then hit the breast gentle til they are nice and flat but make sure you ddon’tover do it. Now you have the breast ppreparednext thing is to prepare the mmixershere you deep the stake before frying. Have one flat plate with some flour in it not SELF raising flour, then have one dish with some beer if you have if not dont worry, have one plate with egg yolk and white and beat it nicely, and have the breading in another plate. Next thing you need is non sticking pan or whatever you have to fry the stake in and oil the pan to cover 1/4 of the stake thickness. Now heat the pan and the oil then reduce the temperature to medium low on your cooker as you need the oil to be really hot but after that you need it not to hot as not to burn the stake. Also every time you put new stake in the pan make sure you reheat the oil as the steak is cold and will bring the tTemperatureright down then you end up with mushy steak!!! then start in this order:

    deep the steak in beer, then flour then egg then breading put it in the frying pan, and so on. also it is important that you dont overfil the pan make sure you have at least 1/3 of the pan free to help the steak fry nice and crispy…and ofcourse you can marinade the breast meat if you wish to… Enjoy the meal and have a Stella Artois from me lol

    (L) t (L) RELENTLESS :P
    November 15, 2012 at 3:27 am

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