For Thermosyphoning to work, does both the inlet and oulet tubes have to be submerged?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by sara y tzunky
Fasi della costruzione del pannello solare. Senza aggiungere numeri per ora riusciamo a scaldare l’ acqua con 4 ore di sole tanto che non ci puoi lasiare il braccio dentro per piu’ di 2 secondi. Quanto sara’ la temperatura??

Question by beautifulsoul: For Thermosyphoning to work, does both the inlet and oulet tubes have to be submerged?
I have to do a assignment. I have to build a Solar Hot Water Heater.
When using the process of thermosyphoning, does the inlet tube have to be submerged in the water or can it sit out of the water? Please help!
Can someone please explain thermosyphoning to me if you don’t understand what i am asking!
Thanks 🙂

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2 Responses to For Thermosyphoning to work, does both the inlet and oulet tubes have to be submerged?

  1. Thermosyphoning in your case is when hot water travels to the highest point naturally in a system. In order for that to work in your project, you must have the solar tank HIGHER that the solar collector. As the sun warms the collector, the hot water travels up to the tank then back down again. Take the tube from the collector and run it to the top of your tank, then take a tube from the bottom of the tank and run it to the other port in your collector, simple as that. they use these systems in europe and asia alot. if you need more help msg me.

    November 12, 2012 at 2:35 am

  2. there are numerous ways to build solar water heaters, I do believe both have to be submerged, however sometimes the hot can be just above, but the inlet always has to be submerged, there are a few different ways to do this, so it just depends on your specific project

    November 12, 2012 at 3:18 am

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