Where can I find baby ducks in San Diego?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by Topato
Lucy adopted us about 4 years ago while she was 6-12 months old. We’ve always figured she was 1/2 lab and 1/2 pit bull. More likely, she is a combination of poorly bred lab and pit, and/or possibly some pointer.
She has markings on her chest that suggest some pointer lineage, and my great uncle used to raise pointers that had heads like pit bulls.

Anyway, I knew Lucy was a natural hunter…killing squirrels and sparrows in the back yard, and always wanting to join me in the woods. She’s helped flush quail and rabbits, and even tangled with a raccoon.
She will venture out on her own, returning every 5-10 minutes to check in, even after dark. She has never had any training, and the only part of retrieving she does is going after the stick, then taking it wherever she pleases.

Saturday was her first duck hunt. I just couldn’t stand to leave her home, though Porter the Wonderdog, a high-power pure lab was slated to be our retriever (Lucy had never been more than 10 yards from shore). See Porter at www.flickr.com/photos/roadhunter/5529379/in/pool-51035151… and elsewhere in my photostream and in the Labradors group.

This day was different, though. At nearly 12 years old, Porter wore himself out on the walk to the blind. After dropping a green-winged teal, I sent Porter for it, but he seemed to be riding a little low in the water, and struggling a bit (my fault for not having him properly conditioned before season opened).
Lucy promptly dove in, brought the bird back, and covered it up with leaves. No "to hand" retrieve, but I got to stay dry, which is all I care about.

The next shot was a wigeon, and about a 75 yard retrieve. Porter and Lucy both went for the bird, and came back without it. Lucy yelped as she came onshore, and I noticed Porter had her tail in his mouth. He had been retrieving Lucy, having never seen her so far from land before!

I waited 5 minutes, left Porter at heel, and sent Lucy for the bird. She returned and dropped it at my feet. Good girl Lucy!!

She can’t take the cold as well as Porter, but as this may be his last season (hopefully not), it is nice to know that this "mutt" in the photo is even more versatile than I had imagined.

Question by josh: Where can I find baby ducks in San Diego?
My girlfriend wants to raise a couple baby ducks. She is a veterinary technician and loves animals. She has been wanting to raise them for years. She loves how they become so attached and would like to raise them. I would like to surprise her with them. Where can I get baby ducks in san diego? Please help me.
Thanks for the help, it will be well thought out before we do anything.

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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One Response to Where can I find baby ducks in San Diego?

  1. you should be able to get ducklings ordered from the local feed store. But even though she loves animals, ducklings, of course, grow to be ducks. Make sure you are ready for the frequent messes they make and that they have a pond/lake to swim on. They aren’t really house pets like a cat or a dog. Best of luck!

    November 8, 2012 at 5:27 pm

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