Can my ducks survive on my pond?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by foghornleg90
Stone Mountain Georgia

Question by kylah: Can my ducks survive on my pond?
I want to get two baby ducklings and raise them. I live out in the woods/country and have a large beaver pond in my back yard. If i were to raise the ducks, would they survive living on the pond? Especially if i continued to feed them?

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2 Responses to Can my ducks survive on my pond?

  1. It’s great to have a pond for ducks. Just make sure that their are no predators such as snakes, coyotes, etc that live in the woods. The beavers should not be any harm to the ducks.
    Be sure to have some sort of shelter for the ducks, though. They need a place to sleep in and to feel safe.

    November 5, 2012 at 12:42 am

  2. It is very hard to sex “baby ducklings” & they need a totally enclosed coop to protect them from predators for 6 weeks plus a red heat lamp for the first 2-3 weeks depending on how cold it is where you live.

    Better to buy 2 female ducks when they are sexed that way you have eggs & don’t run the risk of acquiring 2 males who will fight & be lonely without females.

    Trust Me I'm a Doctor ♥
    November 5, 2012 at 1:19 am

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