Homemade Solar and Wind Power Systems – Create Renewable Energy

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www.SolarEnergyGuide.net – Homemade Solar and Wind Power Systems – Create Renewable Energy There is a great deal of talk these days about renewable sources of energy. Governments argue over what is the best source to use and do not always direct their support to the most obvious renewable resources. For instance in the UK at present the Government issue grants for solar energy systems to heat water and generate electricity, as well as wind power systems, but although there is an increasing demand for solar power systems to generate electricity, grants are not available in some areas. Where ever you live you can now create your own homemade solar and wind power systems for a very modest sum. Just buy a detailed illustrated guide that has video instructions. A homemade solar power system consists of Photovoltaic cells which convert radiation from the sun to electricity. These cells are connected together to form modules which in turn are linked to form an array. The number of panels required depends on how much electricity you need to generate. A professional homemade solar power system can be built for 0 using components obtained from your local hardware store. The amount of electricity generated by solar power systems depends on the intensity of daylight, so on a dull day it is useful to have the backup of a wind power system. A homemade wind power system consists of blades a tall mast and a turbine. The wind turns the blades which operates the turbine to produce

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