Judge my Grassland Biome Plz (GR.7) Sory I couldnt attach the photo with it but still would u rate this A,B,C,?

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Question by lol: Judge my Grassland Biome Plz (GR.7) Sory I couldnt attach the photo with it but still would u rate this A,B,C,?
Some Grassland are located in these countries. (Below)

Chilli. China. South Mexico. U.S.

South Africa
The temperature can be -40 degree F in the winter and can raise to -70 degree F.

Grassland is a ecosystem that’s covered in grasses. Today Grassland existed in small land and are endangered more than the tropical rainforests.
Grassland are important habituated for over 200 species


Animals that are living in the Grassland are,

Zebra- Are part member of the horse family.

Garter Snake-


One example of symbiosis in the grasslands is a bird called
the Hang Queide carries a badger to a bee’s hive. Next, the badger
breaks the nest and when the bees fly away, the badger and bird can eat.

Bee & Hive Badger

More animals that lived in Grassland are the,
Red-Tail Hawk, Voles, Bobolink,
Red Fox, Coyote, Barn owl, and Hen slow sparrow.


The most popular plants in Grassland are grass.
Grasslands don’t have many trees, but some are seen isolated.

The Bitterroot is a pinkish, purple flower.

These are some of the other plants that is a habitat of Grassland.

Plants play a huge part of food for the herbivores that live in Grassland.
There are lots of species of plants that are in Grassland, Most of these are grasses.
Tree are rare and are seen isolated in the middle of the grasses.
Grass can adapt to its surrounding from dry to cold area.
The grasses seen in Grassland are mostly called Poaceae.
Poaceae have leaf the grow from both of its side.

On top of these grass grow seed that can produce more of its specie’s.

The grassland wild fires in southern California have become more common in the
western U.S.
Wild fire are occur when temperatures are extremely hot.

Grassland receive snow in winter and the grass will hibernate during the winter.
When spring come the snow left over from winter will melt and be use for the plants water.

Grass in Grassland will go through Spring heavy rains being to use the rain water to grow and Summer dry drought.
In winter the grasses will have to hibernate.
Grasses have very deep and extensive roots in the soil to reach down deep for water.

The Food Pyramid

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2 Responses to Judge my Grassland Biome Plz (GR.7) Sory I couldnt attach the photo with it but still would u rate this A,B,C,?

  1. A+ this is high school work

    September 29, 2012 at 8:05 pm

  2. let me give you advice that will be far more valuable than any rating of “grade” you’ll get here. your middle school grades don’t matter. colleges don’t look at them. prospective employers don’t look at them. high schools probably don’t look at them, assuming you’re not applying to go to a magnet school. what matters is high school credit courses. so don’t worry. chill.

    I Don't Give Good Answers
    September 29, 2012 at 8:35 pm

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