Milk Allergy – Common Symptoms and Cure

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goat milk
by Sifu Renka

Article by Jessica Barnes

Milk Allergy – Common Symptoms and Cure – Health

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Milk allergy is not a common problem in most parts of the world. However, there is no doubting the fact that it can affect children, infants as well as adults especially those who drink too much cow milk. There are also those people whose bodies do not react to cow milk but when they drink buffalo or goat milk then their immune system responds by releasing antibodies.

When you are allergic to milk, the best way is to find substitute to this particular product. As a substitute you can make use of fresh juices and other nutrient containing food items. It is important to note here that the milk allergy is caused by a particular kind of protein known as casein. Therefore, you need to avoid all those materials that contain casein. Tuna fish is an example of casein containing food material. For this reason it is vital that you read the label on food packaging before consuming it.

The worst thing about milk allergy is that it can lead to inflammation of digestive as well as respiratory tract. In many cases low blood pressure also becomes the fate of people suffering from milk allergy. You should visit your doctor immediately if you are suffering from this condition. Doctor will help you find a viable solution to the problem. The best advice that anyone can give you is that staying away from milk is not sufficient for you; you also need to keep distance from all kinds of dairy products including yogurt and cheese. The reason for this is that they also contain milk protein in one form or another.

Sometimes milk allergy is easily detected through the appearance of common symptoms such as exhaustion and dehydration. However, in many cases it is not so easy because people fail to take into account the fact that milk protein can trigger a chemical imbalance in the body. You need to keep in mind that not all diseases are due to milk allergy but some disease definitely stand out when one talks about it.

You should be able to recognize between lactose intolerance, soya allergy and milk allergy and you can do that only when you have sufficient knowledge. You can gain info through the most reliable source available to us i.e. internet. If you want to be completely cured then in addition to reducing the intake of milk, you may be required to give up on meat as well as butter because they also contain phosphoproteins which may prove to be lethal for people suffering from this allergy. One of the earliest symbols of milk allergy is appearance of dark spots under eyes so if you feel that they are forming at any point of time then it is best to seek medical advice. There is also gastric distress which is associated with milk allergy and is the disease of intestines. This condition is more severe and needs immediate attention of medical expert.

About the Author

If you’re interested in learning more about the symptoms milk allergy (in Denmark we use the word symptomer på mælkeallergi ), please visit this website.

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Jessica Barnes

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