define sustainable agriculture. Why is sustainable agriculture important for the future?

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sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers

Question by Merry: define sustainable agriculture. Why is sustainable agriculture important for the future?

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2 Responses to define sustainable agriculture. Why is sustainable agriculture important for the future?

  1. Sustainable agriculture can simply be expressed as the use of agricultural practices that do not abuse the natural resources they consume. This is important to ensure that future generations will be able to benefit from the same agricultural practices and food production that we enjoy today.

    September 28, 2012 at 4:46 am

  2. It is apparent that you are not interested in this topic, you just want an answer. Try this one. Please consider that there are those that do not care for answering your test questions or homework. First you need to know groceries don’t start out in the grocery store, Sweat goes into bringing you your cornflakes and the milk for your cereal came from a cows udder. The egg came from a chicken’s butt and the burger you ate came from a biological organism that was somebodies responsibility to feed, nurture and raise until it was time for slaughtering and processing into ground beef for your burger.

    If you happen to be a vegetarian, chances are very high that cheap labor from an illegal or migrant worker was exploited so you could have your fancy shredded salad and Walnut flavored vinaigrette dressing. You want food? Better learn a little about how to get it to your table and what it will take to keep it coming that way. That is sustainability!

    Good Luck Ducky~

    September 28, 2012 at 5:18 am

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