please help me!!i have 269 chickens in my backyard and my whole backyard which is small is full of poo!?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by eschipul
We just moved to a new house and are closing on the old house this week. Thoughts of the old house took me to the time we bought chickens and had them in our backyard. Not sure why, and I promise I was not the one who bought them. I can’t remember their names. But they were good looking birds.

And tasty too!

UPDATE: The chicken’s names were Red and ??
UPDATE2: The chicken’s names were Red and Bella per comments.

Question by stesticle =]: please help me!!i have 269 chickens in my backyard and my whole backyard which is small is full of poo!?
My neighbors are mean and throw stuff st my chickens cause they all squak alot but seriously they are chickens what do they expect what should i do?

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10 Responses to please help me!!i have 269 chickens in my backyard and my whole backyard which is small is full of poo!?

  1. Your last questions:
    I DID A BAD THING HELP!! i have a pet camel and it gave birth to 2 babies.?
    BUTT i got angry cause i dont want anymore animals on my farm so i cut their little legs off and now i feel bad what do i do??
    love animal lover <3.HELP!!
    im 15 im a mother of 7month old triplets and i have a set of twins on the way what do i do homeys?
    But for some resson i'm laughing so i cant be mad at you lol.

    Marilyn Monroe Fan
    September 22, 2012 at 1:13 am

  2. maybe you shouldn’t have so many chickens.

    September 22, 2012 at 1:46 am

  3. huh?269 chickens?you have got to be kidding.and you say you have small lot?backyard?unless you’re a certified brreder of chickens,that’s a really impossible thing to be’re joking

    September 22, 2012 at 2:30 am

  4. maybe you should have a barbeque for the neighborhood — hmmmmmmmm, let’s see — how about barbequed chicken?????

    September 22, 2012 at 3:20 am

  5. Invite the whole neighborhood to a chicken barbecue party. Let them bring their fastest dogs along. The theme of the party is “Catch your lunch!”

    Aref H4
    September 22, 2012 at 3:50 am

  6. Why don’t you try eating the poo, and then get a bigger back yard?

    September 22, 2012 at 4:27 am

  7. Find homes for 266 chickens and keep half a dozen, how cruel having so many in a small yard, the neighbours are probably driven nuts by all the noise, we only have 7 in big back yard and when they lay an egg or get a fright you can hear just one of them 3 doors down. If there is so much poo on the ground they’ll get sick and die of toxideosis anyway.

    Judith of the Never Never
    September 22, 2012 at 4:33 am

  8. KFC are looking for you.

    Zeb G
    September 22, 2012 at 4:35 am

  9. 269 chickens? Umm let me think about what you should do…, troll!!!

    September 22, 2012 at 4:41 am

  10. Buy 3 gun turrets, one for each side of your backyard, and shoot your neighbors up when they hate on yo chickens.

    September 22, 2012 at 4:53 am

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