Making Cheese For Fun: You Might Just Learn Something!

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Article by Luke Dolby

Making Cheese For Fun: You Might Just Learn Something! – Food – Cooking Tips

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Working as a new cheese ingredients and equipment supplier here in New Jersey I get to speak to people every day about cheese. Growing up with goats, and with a family business that worked with dairies and smallholders across Britain, I drifted into teaching English to the delightful teenagers of my home county, Kent.

Here’s what I learned from the angelic offspring of my Motherland:1) Teenagers are NOT delightful;2) They didn’t know what was in their food;3) The school had ZERO interest in teaching them about food;4) Children now routinely drink cans of Red Bull for breakfast.

So, picture the scene if you would. Hyper children strung out on sugary caffeine energy drinks and empty stomachs. “So class, I’m glad you had a productive lesson with Mrs Wittingshaw learning about UK Citizenship, Nigel, no iPhones during lessons thank you. So, quick survey by a show of hands, who had a healthy breakfast this morning, and by that I mean NOT Sugar Puffs, Cocoa Puffs or simply anything that didn’t come out of a box and taste like one?” One hand went up. “Yes Elizabeth, what did you have this morning?” “Ramen Noodle Sir.” Silence. “True Elizabeth, wasn’t in a box. More of a pot. Do you have Ramen Noodle for breakfast every day, you know, paired delicately with a 2008 Vintage Red Bull chaser?” Silence. “Nah. I hate cooking.”

Fast forward three years and 3000 miles and I am trying to teach my two young cousins how to make mozzarella. And here is why I think it is important- beyond the obvious headlines of the chronic nutrition deficit blighting Anglo-Saxon nations, crushing themselves under diabetes, stomach stapling and clogged heart valves. Cheese is science. And art. And it teaches independence. And patience. And geography.

I can delve into all of these areas but first want people to understand I get it. I truly get it and understand it. Me, and people like me, versus the advertising budgets of Ronald McDonald, Gatorade and Hershey have a tough, tough job to be heard. But I did learn a trick or two from the classroom. Namely kids need attention. And anything, literally anything, can be taught if taught with fun, passion and the child can get involved. McDonalds staff do not sit down with the lunchtime school rush and listen to them. And the health and safety officer at McDonalds would go crackers if my two cousins turned up at the store and started mixing their own mince and onion in the milk shake blender. Make cheese with your kids this holiday break- watch closely what happens.

About the Author

The growth of craft beers, individual cheese making supplies and self-sufficiency in general is part of a wider trend in North America.Over the last thirty years Goat Nutrition has grown from a family-run business in rural Kent, England, to becoming the number one cheese making rennet and culture supplier on the web

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Luke Dolby

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